
Tuesday 12 August 2014


It was on the 9th of August that I wrote about the 'Flying Carpets', the 'Genie', and 'Comedy' in the public domain. Also wrote about the 'Life or Death', situation on this blog and posted DARE, 'Wings of Fire'.

Robin Williams was the voice of the 'Genie' in the movie, and now the tributes flow in from around the world for a man that they say committed 'suicide', at the age of 63. Spiritually, the age of 63 can be an age of crisis, especially if the person in question hasn't healed prior to that age. Remember the phrase, 'Don't make a drama out of a crisis'.

It is often the age when serious health issues can manifest. That which is buried can rear up like a fire that ignites from a single little light. Just like the fire on Mount Carmel in 2010, that burned down 5 million trees in Israel at Jewish New Year.

I liked Robin Williams very much, and it is clear that with all that financial wealth and success, it didn't assist him to find the root causes of the core issues that he suffered from. 'Depression'  as severe as Robin had, is often experienced by artists, poets and musicians. They're very sensitive to planetary energies, yet few understand its vast implications on consciousness.

Why is that? What does the Episcopal Church know about such matters?

How about Bobby McFerrin? Robin was born on the 21st July, 1951. Chicago and I wrote about the Church and Chicago the other week to a friend in the USA.

Robin was born on the Cancer-Leo Cusp of Oscillation. That indicates major inner child issues, and his 'planetary weakness = Manic depressive, addictive, emotionally blocked'. His north node was also in an 'addictive' sign of Pisces. That was a really hard incarnation for Robin Williams. For sure, he will reincarnate.

In addition, soul's do cry, if people do not get on with why, and what they incarnated for. When your soul begins to cry, a person certainly knows about it, you simply cannot do what you did before.

As a metaphor, your soul is king, and it will simply not allow you to repeat the same cycles. The job of the soul is to help you to break the never ending cycles, not stay in them for millennia's and aeons. However, that does take intensive healing of soul, in connection to memories, brought forth from previous incarnations.

'Depression', is when the energy of the being is under pressure, it is being pressed upon, to take action.

Remember the saying, 'Grace under pressure', and it can often begin around the age of 29, that is the numeric of 'Grace under pressure'. Hence, it is imperative that people put the real effort into heal and self-develop. Even more so, if you are a woman, and gave birth around that time.

As we know, artists, musicians, poets, and actors are also well know for getting 'depressed', over their careers and that can be addressed when acceptance and going with the flow of life is really integrated.

However, a person has to be incredibly strong-willed to overcome. Strong in heart and strong in Spirit. Clearly, Robin had some heart issues on a physical level for a reason, it was calling him to account for his words, deeds, and actions. Judgement of self, can be incredibly powerful, another reason why healing is imperative for everyone.

It is about the initiations that people encounter in life and psychologist Carl Jung, understood some of it.

Even the birth process is an initiation of life, and it can take a lifetime to heal what happened to a baby at  birth. Hence, returning to natural birth in water, really is imperative. These days, the birth process in hospital is like women being on a conveyor belt, in and out. Like being on a fast shuttle train that is about to crash, when the baby arrives.

Well it is clear that Robin Williams 'crashed', and he knows its purpose. Especially as many Americans are still pushing people to put material concerns above the power of love.

So I feel that his passing does have a purpose to bring home the truth of the genie in a powerful way. Yes, Robin wishes did come true, yes he did become a well-known comedian, yes, he did become wealthy, did it make him happy? As I wrote in 1998, true happiness is not outside of the self for the kingdom of heaven is within. If people wish to share that kingdom of heaven with me, then great, if not, then that is great too. Each to their own kind.


I will give Robin Williams the painting of the 'Dancing Ladies', as he liked to dance the divine comedy.

May Robin Williams rest in peace, you were superb in the 'Dead Poets Society'. Truly heartfelt and your heart did touch many around the world. Especially, the empaths, we could feel you Robin, and what you were experiencing and going through. Now a new era of divine mother, divine redeemer begins, and it will continue in its power of love energies until at least 2107. The power of love to heal people like Robin Williams will increase each year. People are becoming like the wondrous woman from heaven, they're putting the moon under their feet, and we are dancing upon the cold winds, just as you would have us do.

So smile sweet soul, you will receive a very hot reception when you reincarnate again. You will be surrounded in flowers.

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