
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Chris Rea + Friends

Chris Rea and Friends with a rare track. 'Do you believe in love'.  You know there are times in your life, when you just feel like waving bye, bye, and not being seen by anyone again, due to what humanity co-creates. Just like signing off, and withdrawing your light from the world.

To continue to be who are requires motivation, and if there is no motivation, then why even exist for anyone? If people don't care whether I exist, why should I care whether they exist? The only motivation I have to stay on this planet during these circumstances, is for my son.

He is the only reason that I stayed on the planet in the first place, it was his love and light that kept me grounded on this planet. So if there are no more blog posts, on this blog, then you will know why.

Doors and gates are closed. If people cannot do that which has to be done, then why should I?

We warned the people what would happen years in advance, recovery or extinction.

What did the LORD say to his flame of Joseph in 2011?

Why should the guardian redeemer, redeem anyone? As Omega would say, over and out!

Another big white hat has passed over, actress Lauren Bacall,
age 89, massive stroke.

Mum's the word.

Age 89,
89 is an interesting numeric,
 and Lauren is the third actor to pass over since Friday.

Psalm 89 is about David, his Sons and the anointed one.

David Green passed over in October 2013,
 and he was a great light of love on this planet.

Psalm 89 the anointed one and the fleeting life.

'Remember how fleeting is my life.
For what futility have you created all humanity.
Who can live and not see death?


Sydney, Australia, 1999.

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