
Saturday 23 August 2014


Last night I was sharing about the 'Poor making many rich',

The cost is too high humanity, we cannot afford it. So here comes Elijah's Fire again. Jesus is hot for Elijah's Fire. Do you know why, do you comprehend the Elijah prophecies.


In sleep state I had a dream.

In the dream I was surrounded by people, and they were all busy.

Then all of a sudden I passed out in front of the people. That was the end of the dream.

In dream interpretation to pass out in front of people, indicates that the energy of those so-called friends have impacted on you. As such, the dream is asking you to ask yourselves are your friends and colleagues true to you. This video made me laugh, laughter the best medicine.

That reminds me of a business situation in the 90's, when I received some news.

I had just returned to the office from a long drive home, from the midlands due to being at an exhibition.

It wasn't just the phone call from my partner that created the passing out, it was about what led up to the phone call, and what colleagues had done in response to life conditions, business, and financial position. Those colleagues liked receiving, while I did the work, to give them work to do, so that they had money in their pockets. They were very busy.

That it is what the dream was about, people that liked to receive continually from the righteous, yet, what did they give in return to the givers. Yea, all expenses paid. We givers cannot afford you anymore, the cost is too high humanity. Bodhisattva still point of endurance.

Humanity is at the end of the road, the mashiach is on strike!

Jesus is hot for Elijah's Fire.

The other important aspect of the dream is that passing out is a medical condition, and it is to do with the  autonomic nervous system. An external trigger is what causes the impact on the nervous system. What a person sees, hears, or experiences, suddenly, can also impact on blood pressure and the heart.

Biblically, its when a person is in a state of weariness due to life conditions and experiences.  As such the weariness is also to do with the condition of the autonomic nervous system.

Or another way to explain it, would be when the body of a person is at the end of its endurance, and the nervous systems responds accordingly. Its about the circuitry of the body, and the bio electro-magnetic energy.

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25 

Ezekiel 21:7, Jonah 4:8, Luke 21:26 

And in the news today.

Australian rapper Iggy Azalea fell off the stage while performing one of her hit songs at an MTV Video Music Awards benefit concert.
There is no word if the star was injured - though the way she seamlessly continued singing Fancy suggests she is okay.
Security guards were quick to lift Azalea back on to the stage at The Avalon in Los Angeles.

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