
Saturday 23 August 2014


In the Green Cross Mandala dream, it was shared that plans will have to be revised.

No surprise then that the Galileo Mission is mentioned by the media today. The report mentions the satellites, the observations and the mission itself.

'Arianespace declined to comment on whether their trajectories could be corrected, the AFP news agency reports.After years of delay, Galileo is now finally moving towards full deployment. Esa, which is building the system on behalf of the EU, expects to have a 26-satellite constellation in orbit by 2017.

As we know, being corrected is about WISDOM, for as the Dead Sea Scrolls predicted, it is woman that corrects them, for she is wisdom that Jesus predicted would come.

No surprise then that in recent days the wondrous woman from heaven has been sharing about the work with Archangel Michael on observations.  Rev 12. Those were the days they were.


Do you remember Israel, when 5 million trees burned to the ground in 2010.

Jewish New Year wasn't it, I remember it well.

Mount Carmel 

What most people don't know. In the public domain.

Elijah asked Yahweh to give evidence of our existence to Americans.

Members of Disclose TV saw what happened.

Soon after that the fire came down upon Israel.

Evidence enough.

Remember the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel in 2010. 

A great whale wasn't it.

Prophecy predicted that the judgement had begun.

Its the end of the road humanity, mashiach is on strike.


'poor, yet making many rich' 2 Corinthians 6:10 

The cost is too high humanity.

Jesus is hot for Elijah's Fire 

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