
Sunday 10 August 2014


What we have been birthing for many years is the new era, a new timeline for the feminine energies of divine mother, divine redeemer, the nurturing godmother, and that has touched the nerve of some men, who like to think that they are in control with free will.

Man finds out how powerless they are when creation stands against it. Man finds out how powerful his energy is when he releases 'control' and comes into the fulness of this power of love in manifestation, to help humanity in a divine way.

In my humble view, it isn't those that are stronger physically that are getting through, it is those that have invested in their character development, and serious spiritual growth. So the old adage, 'survival of the fittest', simply doesn't work in this new era and timeline. Those that go to yoga or working out in the gym, can just as easily disappear suddenly, just like anyone else.

I remember when I first trained in Reiki, there was a Tai Chi instructor on our course, his eyes were all fishy.  He passed over soon after with a heart condition. His life of being a Tai Chi teacher didn't save him.

Biblical prophecy also predicted that the LORD would save the 'lame' in this timeline.


In addition, in the video of Robert Plant singing 'Whole Lotta Love', he sings of the 'need', of a woman. Well folks that was decades ago, it is truly time for man to catch up with evolved spirituality and the sheer depth of the healing work that the self-development teachers have been involved in.

Man is coming to understand the old paradigm and views of sexuality, it is no longer a man's world. In America if there is a difficulty, man says, 'go and get laid'.

How does the nurturing godmother respond to that? Go and get healed!

So then you find yourself in a situation whereby man comes to you, and tells you what you 'need', based upon their views of you.  He then gives you a list of reasons why, he views you the way that he does. Sometimes what man comes out with, can make you speechless at their audacity, due to the 'old paradigm' that suits man and his sexuality. As I have written no more harems, did that touch a nerve, especially as Islam and the Mormons like their harems, don't they?

Man developed his art of foreplay didn't he. However, is foreplay enough for an intelligent, evolved and enlightened spiritual woman? Can foreplay or sexuality, keep a spiritual woman interested in a man? She's moved on guys, women have been telling the guys for years, to catch up!

As he been busy with foreplay, as Elijah said, maybe he's been busy, or traveling. I certainly had a visitor last night, and wisdom has certainly struck a nerve. Man loves and is attracted to the power of the strengths of women, although they don't seem to like weakness.

Maybe its because they're being asked to look at their own 'weaknesses', to transform them into strengths. Souls are fragile, like a flower, and people are not always as strong as they appear to be.

Hence, the saying, 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.

Due to the old paradigm that man is being asked to leave, to enjoy the new. Man finds himself in a situation whereby, he is having to face the fact that what Jesus said about being 'warm', 'hot' or 'cold', is true. 'Old paradigm man', finds himself in a situation whereby he is faced with his own 'coldness' and what that manifests for himself, and the rest of the world.

You see when there is 'no sympathy', or 'compassionate action', or 'mercy', for the godmother and her children.

Then humanity faces the consequences for their co-creation, the godmother suffers with them, in physical pain. Due to the lack of support, of that which has the ability to create miracles.

Hence, due to the words and actions of man, he finds himself in a world that he doesn't like, because deep in his heart, he knows he co-created the destruction of the nations.  Deep in his heart on a deep soul level, he knows that he is responsible, can he be redeemed?

So it pleases the godmother, that when she got up today, her son had been out at the crack of dawn, to get food. He was there before it opened at 10.

Even though she woke up in physical pain, her son alleviated it. The godmother saw in her son, all the beautiful virtues that she had been blessed with.

It makes your heart swell with joy, that there is a new generation of the new paradigm man. A new spiritual era, whereby, the mother is more important than anything else. For it is the godmother that came to help the children, to become strong in their power of love in manifestation.

In the power of the spiritual law of giving that Jesus taught, we can see the awesomeness that he spoke of in 2011 manifesting.

The perfect and perfected love that is unbreakable.

So what has the godmother been discussing today?

On skype we've been discussing chiropracting, dental and medical profession, what motivates people to train in those professions, and what the governor would do.  Also spoke about standards, and the inner work that is required to attain the high standard that is required in this new era.

Last but not least, I really do love you guys. However, you have to rise to the challenge of the power of love, that really is beyond measure. For it is magnanimous in its giving.

We were born to give of ourselves, to this precious planet in this timeline.

Some of us are what is known as twice-born.

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