
Monday 11 August 2014


Golden Eagle Cloud 
10th August 2014

The Day of Voice

Tonight I saw a huge golden eagle in the night sky, it literally lit up the sky with gold.
It was so large, that it looked like it was as big as 100 planes. 
It was moving like it was flying.
As the golden clouds began to dissolve.
I stood up, and then could see the large moon pulsating with the brightest energy.
I could see pyramids and diamond shapes in the moon.
Then I saw a large white lotus flower, as big as the moon.

It was awesome, an amazing manifestation.

The Super moon of the Year 

Another signal! 

Prophet Isaiah spoke of the Spirit of Judgement, and a Spirit of Fire, that the LORD would create a cloud of smoke by day, and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything the glory will be a canopy. Isaiah 4:5 

All those days ago, when the days of Elijah began in 2004. 

White Lotus Farms



Oh WOW, there is a Saint Cloud location in Florida, Minnesota, Winconsin, and France.

There was a palace in France named after the saint cloud.âteau_de_Saint-Cloud

As I look outside my window, there is a branch in the wind, at the end of the branch, there is a cross that has been formed by the green leaves, and the leaves are for healing the nations.

David Green knew it was an emergency, he knew about the SOS in 2004.

So what do people choose to do when it is a state of emergency?

Some take action immediately, some do nothing.

Some are saved, and some die, due to the actions that they decided upon.

As Jesus said in 2007,  'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

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