
Tuesday 5 August 2014


This mandala is for a gorgeous woman that I have known since her college days.  It is time for her to move forward to the next level of her being and its potential. To do that we have been working multi-dimensionally. Across dimensions, levels of consciousness, past lives and karma, that are impacting on her life right now. 

To aid her with her breakthrough, I have also provided this mandala that I will call, 'Creative Potential'.


To access the creative potential, in this case, the keys of life are essential. As such there are four keys being given to her to enable her to access the treasure of the creative potential, that she holds within herself. It is to do with natural talents, what has been locked away until now, the reasons that relate to the root causes. 

In the mandala, I see four gemstones, four sacred golden ankhs, keys of life, the womb of creation and four different women, in four different lifetimes. This mandala is about the feminine energy, bringing forth the manifestation of the seeds, symbols, and keepsakes that are in her consciousness. To enable the bird of beauty and its flower to blossom into a perfected palm tree. 

The palm tree is about mothers and babies, new birth, new beginnings that are filled with infectious energy of joyousness. Connections with natural birth, being birthed in water, and helping mother and child to heal their life experiences that impact on the body and nervous system, in the short, medium and long term. 

There is a location that is very important to her centre, and where her healing centre is to be for divine purpose, in a natural and healthy environment that is organic for those involved in it, and its development. In this respect, I recommend that Nim invests in a planetary chart, that maps her planetary locations, and those that are most auspicious for her, due to the time and date of her birth. 

I also see the ruby red in the background, that is with her at this point in time, in addition to the yellow sun of creativity. The zest of creativity and its creative potential; to create what is ordained for her to have in fullness of abundance in her love and work life. It indicates zealous compassionate action and divine mission.

Fruit to be eaten, melons, melon seeds, lemons and limes in salad dressings etc. There is a melon soup on this blog, in addition to information on melon seeds. 

The mandala has the lime green galatic energy of creative forgiveness, so art and color will definitely come in and be very powerful. Once she has fully integrated her own creative potential, and how that is accessed by her, with the keys that are being given to her for a specific purpose.

Mandala is surrounded by dolphins of unconditional love, and I would like her to wear turquoise during this time of transformation, in addition to the yellow for creativity, and the ruby for strength in her abilities to be creative, in reaching her potential. 

Interesting that the ruby crimson color is also diamond shaped, with the emerald green color around it. I also see the opals as found in Australia, and the USA, so she has strong connections there, as well as in the Canaries. 

Due to the gemstones, vibrational medicine and its links to Atlantis and Elmuria, these are also an important aspect for this bird of beauty. This is the time for to her begin to make her own gemstone essences, for her own transformation, and in so doing, a new birth will be shown to her, in an amazing way as the new paths open up for her. Its a time to be dedicated and devoted to self. Tai Chi was given the other day, and a connection with a Celtic man in Scotland, in addition to a red arrow. The red arrow  could also be a timing link, due to the name being linked to planes that go overhead.

The ankhs bring forth past lives in Egypt and Africa, Malaysia and India. She does have an Indian parental heritage, that can also be fruitful for her in its depth and breadth of its spirituality The more that she unleashes her creative talent and potential, the more her spiritual development, evolvement and divine experiences will enhance. 

I would like to say, 4 hours, 4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months. Its all in the 4's and that also relates to originating DNA. It is a practical numeric and the creative potential is for practical reasons, to enhance her life and work to the forefront of her professional capacity. At the same time as bringing her home to who she is on a level of reality that is real, honest and meaningful. This is about bringing out her potential in a creative, joyous, and empowering way. 

The mandala does have the sacred hoop, the sacred ring, in the turquoise, she has been blessed with a powerful transformation. Every person that is brought into my life, has a unique divine purpose for being. Every case is individual, and that it is why what is required by each person, is also unique.

The lady certainly pursued righteousness and its wisdom.


I have been blessed with the keys for unlocking my creative potential.

The treasure of creative potential is within my consciousness.

My natural talents and creative potential are overflowing from within.

The unconditional love in my heart empowers my creative potential.

 I accept the creative writer within to be expressed and enjoyed.

I allow my inner child its full creative and musical potential.

I create, compose, write, draw,
heal and provide for the creative potential to manifest.

I allow my seeds, symbols, gems and keepsakes to manifest before me.

I embrace the power of transformation of love and life.

I allow my wings of healing miracles to unfold divinely.

I bring forth willingly the creator within and its divine will. 

I support wisdom's gatekeeper that has supported my growth,
in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of righteousness.

I honor the elders and the sacred mothers extensive healing of consciousness.

I praise the LORD and give thanks for the blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Verse of the Day

    The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130 NIV
