
Monday 4 August 2014


This quote appealed to the empath. ''Feeling comes from understanding'. 

Interesting view from the artists from the rumblings in the art world.

If a person feels it, they understand it, if they understand it, they then do something about it, it is expressed, due to people being sentient beings of creative expression. The intelligence of the heart that is compelled by love. 


One doesn't require emotion, to feel as an empath feels. 
One doesn't have to be an artist to understand, what a child can feel and see. 

Yesterday, a person wrote that a cow doesn't view the world as a human does.

Wisdom responded, how do you know how a cow views the world, are you an animal healer?

Do you understand a cow, can you feel what they feel?

Are you like the child that felt compassion for the cow, that was being stung by another child with nettles? Did you take compassionate action to help the cow? 

Two different children, responding to the nature of the environment in a different way.

So then it is self-evident, that the different children grew up in different homes, it impacts upon the natural compassionate response. 

Children usually love to help and love to give, so then ponder upon what impacts upon that to change what they do, and how they do it. For children do learn what they live, in addition to the traits and natural talents that they were born with. 

In my humble view and experience, the natural talents of a child, can be identified by the age of seven, identified by parents that are open hearted. It requires a truly open heart, to really connect with children and what is in their hearts.  To listen to their voice, and hear what they're saying, to look into their eyes and see what they're feeling, to hold their little hands of love, a heart connection.

Just like holding the soul of a child in your hand, like a flower the energy is fragile. Just like the light of a candle, that can become an incredible flame of divine love. As the child grows it can strengthen, if it is allowed to do so. If a child is given equality and friendship with parents, they can grow up knowing that they were born free, if you sing that song to your children, they will always remember it.  

One has to hold a baby firmly in your arms, so that it feels safe, after leaving the mothers womb of creation. That is why they are wrapped up in soft warmth after the birth experience. It is to comfort the babies during their recovery, as they drink from the bosom of the mother, and her wisdom. So then what wisdom did the mother impart to her child in her breast milk? What nutrients did the mother give to defend the dynamic self-healing energy of the child?

What creativity was in her milk, how nimble were her fingers, what colors did she love, how did she cook for you? Did she do her utmost to put you first, and do her very best for you? Did she kiss you and hug you, stroke you, did she chase you, all that the mother does impacts on the child. 

Did she patiently teach you to have the confidence to ride a bike?

What were her key words? Where they patience and perseverance? Did she love you to kiss and cuddle her, as she had kissed and cuddled you? Was it a heart connection, did she truly understand you, or just did her best to try to understand the children of a new generation? 

Was she timeless and ageless, even though, she carried on watching you, and your growth as an adult.

How did she view the freedom and liberation that she saw in you? 

The freedom to be a gypsy, and a free Spirit of the Aquarian Age.

The symbol of the caravan, the symbol of the travelers, always reminding us of our spiritual heritage of freedom to be. The Son of Joseph, had an incredible way of passing on the teachings of the LORD, in such a powerful, and natural way. 

It has taken decades to really appreciate, the depth and breadth of him, and the power of the impact of the beautiful memories of the teaching that was given. Comprehending the true teachings of Jesus is the same, in the context of its profoundness, and its sheer longevity due to power of its love. 

You can't just read a book on it, you have to live it, experience it, feel it, see it. That is also the power that cinema has over a text. It is an experience that is seen and felt, that aids the level of understanding, due to all of the senses.

Like when a person experiences a dream, that they remember in a profound way. A methodology, like the sound of music, that has the ability to change people, situations, nations and cultures. The panoramic, cinematic vision, that impacts upon consciousness and life itself. 

Does cinema give the people, the WOW factor, that is healthy for their consciousness, like the mother breast feeding her baby, and singing to its energy as soon as it arrives? Did you welcome the new born with song, how about the twice born?

Did you deliver in sight that is ageless and timeless, did you deliver the moral of the story? How about the adventures of the travelers, and their freedom, was it in your sight, vision, experience, and heart? 

What symbol did your parents give you?

Did your parents give you the caravan, and the book that you asked for?

Did they give you the new riding hat, and put the horseshoe on the door?

Did they give you a puppy to love, so that you wouldn't be alone with your thoughts?

A dog that could walk with you, smile with you, heal you, and love you? Did they comprehend the heart connection between a child and its dog, and how that heart connection, would impact on the future of cultures?

The dog definitely licked it, and the Son of Joseph was an Aries ram, that sang a song to the world, a song of freedom.

A spiritual man once gave me 'Forget-me-not's', from the RAB, as the years went by, I came to understand, the sheer importance of the reason why. It wasn't just about a heart connection between the dad and his daughter, it was about the future of nations, cultures and the survival of civilization.

What the LORD bestowed, and compelled through the heart of the RAB, was a unique keepsake for humanity. 

A legacy of the inheritance of truth, and what the heart means when the word 'Faithful', is spoken.

Prophecy predicted that the LORD would betroth his people to him, with faithfulness and righteousness.  

You can be given to understand that the Son of Joseph, was a man that was a proponent of beauty and its manifestation in natural organic growth of the child. All he had to do, was to plant the seeds, and keepsake. To enable the child the ability to access the natural abilities, and potential, while following her own heart and inspirational love that compelled it. 

A proponent of great courage and bravery, to rise to the challenges of life, in a positive and rewarding way. It was this that empowered her creative potential, to become who she was born to become.

To help others to open themselves up to the faithfulness and trustful loyalty, to the source and your purest essence that leads to righteousness, that creates miracles in your life and the lives of others. 

It was due to his keepsake that yours truly, developed the natural abilities to go beyond where others had gone previously, to help others to access their creative potential. So if you ask me, who were the male energies that really inspired my life and work, I would have to put my hand on my heart, and say it was the Son of Joseph and Jesus, the combination of them both.

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