
Monday 28 July 2014


In March 2014, I was given a spiritual envelope when I woke up, and it had handwriting on it, with an important message.  I wrote that I would definitely recognize that handwriting if I saw it again, due to it being distinctive.

A few years ago, I was given an oblong ticket, like a train or ferry ticket, and it had a very long number on it, it was a number that went into the billions. I remember the first number was a six, and I am in a six year in my life cycle.

The other day, I was chatting about a spiritual message that I had been blessed to give, and I said, 'that must have been one in a million'. The receiver of the message, replied, '100 billion'. The numeric of 100   is to do with the spiritual law in the NT, and Jesus expressed it, to explain the spiritual law of giving, and its karmic rewards.

Jesus is hot for the Beatles and this song.

Life cycles are different to karmic cycles, you can view a life cycle, like a wave in your life, that takes you up further to where it is taking you in the phase of life, that you are currently in. When you have completed the nine year cycle, you then begin a new one. It is at that point, that your life can begin a whole new journey, or take you into a completely new direction with your work. The wave of the vibration, can catapult you into a different sphere of existence.

I feel strongly that the envelope message, and the ticket that I saw, are related to each other in their significance of spiritual existence. Also interesting, that the Beatles sang a song, 'Ticket to Ride', and Tracy Chapman sang a song, 'She's got her ticket'.

Exotic, it has to be an exotic location.

It is has to be passionately creative, 

it has to be as hot as the sun. 

It has to be filled with the power of love.

The skilled writers have to be willing to write the script of the truth,

 and fulfill divine will.

'The truth will set them free'.

It has to be willing to fly divinely, to a new destination.

It has to be willing to embrace daughter Zion,
that imparted the divine message.

It has to be willing;
 to defend the cause of freedom and liberation for humanity.

 Life is for creative expression, what greater expression, 
than the creative passion, of musical instruments, 
that can catapult humanity into the kingdom of love?

Now that would be some ride wouldn't it!

The key word of the Aquarian water bearer and its Age.


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