
Tuesday 29 July 2014


After I shared the 'Native American Chief' post, a pigeon flew in front of my window, and sat on the wall. It just sat there looking at me directly. Then it turned around to go backwards, walked a bit, then turned around again, and began walking forward into the opposite direction. Birds often make moves to give messages and after the bird had made sure that I understood its moves, it then looked at me again, before flying away.

After a little while, a striped ginger cat arrived, it jumped up on the wall, and began looking for the bird that had flown. Clearly, the bird was smarter than the cat.

The RAB used to take me to feed the pigeons, ducks and swans. There are beautiful photographs of the little child, crouching down with her hand out with the seeds, as the birds came to eat. So many beautiful memories of how the RAB was teaching the parables, without a single word spoken about the bible. How the hand of seeds to feed the birds, is about the spiritual law of giving.

The Son of Joseph, a fruitful vine, that climbed over every wall, with the power of his flame of love. He adored children, especially his own. It was hard for the RAB, when the time came, for the first born to leave the family home.

For surely, he knew, different sides of life, and what the world could be like, for gentle and tender hearted souls.

The message of the bird brings memories of life experience, and how the bird did fly away from the cat when she called the RAB to come and get her, and take her home. There she recovered from her life experience that had been alien to her. The Son of Joseph, had never allowed his precious daughter Zion, to live with cats. The reality of the cats, was completely different to the home life, that she had known, and where she had been truly loved.

The other day I was sharing with a friend the parable of the seeds, as an analogy of what can happen to those seeds of goodness, in the context of relationships.

Then this evening a golden insect arrived, on and sat on my finger joint, of my jupiter finger, (right hand) and jupiter is the planet of expansion. It is on that mount of jupiter that sits the rare star. Hence, the golden fly sitting on my tiny joint meant it was sitting on top of the star, that is underneath, on the inside of the flesh of hand. When I began speaking to the insect, it began to walk on my finger to the knuckle. This song is for knuckles However, I have olive skin, not white skin. However, as we know, bones are white, and when you look at your knuckles they are white.

So what do I do with knuckles and my hand? Massage and healing.

OK, Go, White Knuckles. Big smiles! The dog licked it!

That star is so large now, it has become a cross.

I then put the golden fly down on my desk, on my left, and there it sits, looking in the direction of the window, the printer, a glass of milk, and many paintings. He likes me to paint, and the golden insect was looking at the laser printer, glass of milk and towards the window. As we know, the milk is to do with the Christ teachings and Jesus once said to me, 'Let them drink from the bosom of your wisdom'.

My son brought me something to eat, and then insect was gone.

So what is happening with Jupiter? NASA and its vast expenditure. Ask yourselves, how can America justify it? $17 billion has been set aside for space exploration, while there are children with no food in their bellies, or shoes on their feet.

In recent days, I have been shown what is going to happen to the USA. The way that war is conducted in the Middle East, will be on the land of America. America will not face foreign armies invading it, like it invaded over nations. America will face individual carriers of small bombs, in many places, and locations. Hence, the message received from the LORD in February, 2012.

People bombs will replace the issue of guns in the USA. Americans will be brought to their senses, the LORD will save a remnant, and many Americans will be driven out of the country, exactly as the biblical prophecy predicts. I recommend that the USA reads the Obadiah prophecy and Hosea 12.

Righteousness is on strike, gates and doors are now closed.

1 comment:

  1. Found it! Willy Knuckles, Africa, Ebola. If you look at the photograph featured on the BBC news link, at the bottom, you will see writing on the wall, on the right side, someone has written, about the death of the government minister Willy Knuckles.
