
Sunday 20 July 2014

Prophets Dog Storm UK

See what happens when righteousness goes on strike? That dog has blown the roof off.

The last time I remember seeing a picture of a dog in a storm, is when NASA, provided pics of the Irene storm over the USA. I discovered that storm was specifically mentioned in the prophecies.

Do you remember this painting? Can you see the dog in it?

Now look at this British storm, its clearly a dog with a long nose, like the painting.

Picture of the house and storm, courtesy of the BBC. 

See the NT tells you that the dog licked it!

In 2000, I held a spiritual party.
There was a man sitting either side of me.
All of a sudden a divine dog arrived,
he wrapped himself around my legs.
He was warning me to stay away from those two men.
My divine Spirit dog was defending me, he didn't like them.

Then in 2004, a similar thing happened.
This time it was Archangel Michael.
Giving me a briefing while I was driving.
Rev 12, shares with you,
some of what happened, during that timeline.

'Anyone who is among the living has hope—
even a live dog is better off than a dead lion'. Ecc 9:4 

Remember the story of the 'Rich Man and Lazarus'

What happened after the dog licked it?

'Abraham replied, 
‘They have Moses and the Prophets;  let them listen to them.’ Luke 16::29 

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