
Saturday 19 July 2014


It was at the beginning of my ascent, that I first saw Pegasus, it feels like a life time ago now, and it feels appropriate to make a blog post for this year of the horse. The divine celestial horse, that can fly with the Spirit of the LORD, that is stronger than a Lion.

No surprise then, pegasus is associated with the planet uranus, the ruling planet of the air sign of Aquarius and its age of the humanitarians of freedom. The water bearer, that was predicted to come to help Israel.

Pegasus most well known in Greek mythology. The pure white horse with huge wings that is mentioned in different cultures and their prophecies.

If you see pegasus it is a clear message that your ascent into heaven has begun. Pegasus could be found on paintings, sculptures and pottery from the Renaissance. A lovely reminder of the divine, and that spiritual creatures with divine blessings really do exist. It was at that time, that I gained a deep appreciation, of metaphysics, its realm of existence, and impact on my being and consciousness.

The divine horse that is a friend to the Muses, pegasus has become a symbol of wisdom and the proverbs state: 'Wisdom will protect you, love her and she will watch over you'. Proverbs 4:6

The 21st century was born in her wisdom.


I always viewed Pegasus as a male energy, and my unicorn as feminine. It is written that 'wherever the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring spring burst forth'. [1]

Pegasus certainly inspires you to continue with your spiritual journey, when you are with the celestial horse for the first time The incredible horse, bears a message, that you are going in the right direction, and he carries you to the next destination. On the celestial plane of glorious divine love.

Psychologist, Carl Jung, was fascinated by Pegasus and the different spiritual symbology of the ancient cultures. He certainly was on the right track, and at the end of his life, he wrote of how he had wished that he had spent his life studying mystics, mysticism and alchemy.

He came to know, that natural mystics are spiritual psychologists, in the nature of those that lived in spiritual community like Jesus did. Carl Jung knew that the mystic healers, had a philosophy that had a foundation of truth, the truth of the study of the soul, and its consciousness for healing purposes. The ascent of the soul, the sanctification of it, prior to the merging with the Spirit.

So what does pegasus mean to yours truly? Pegasus is a symbol of everything that is divine and holy.

A symbol of spiritual freedom, when a person can fly divinely in the celestial, heavenly realms. A message that you have left the old realities behind, it is lift off, from the '3D' earthly realities of man, that have impacted upon you.

When you see Pegasus for the first time, oh, you are so happy.

Its like when you see angels for the first time. 

It feels like you've seen the light for the very first time. 

Its just wondrous, and magical creation.

Your eyes just get bigger and open wide.

Its just so beautiful to see the divine. 

I always had an affinity with horses,

 yours truly began riding when just a baby.

My passion and love for horses never stopped.

Although, career, relationships and having a child took priority.

I was the only one in the family,

that had the passionate love for horses.

As a child,

I would work all weekend,

from sunrise to sunset,

so that I could ride a horse for just one hour.

Even when I was in Israel,

it was a real horse that showed me

the exact place for the holy gathering.

Prior to leaving for Israel,

Melchizedek had spoken of the horse.

Sure enough,

when I arrived in the location at the holy hill,

the horse with a white star on his forehead,

was just waiting there with his young rider.

 Such amazing times of living spiritual life.

So blessed by the divine in awesomeness of perfected love.

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