
Thursday 17 July 2014


As the LORD said ELOHE.


And he says, 'LEVI'.

Testament of Levi:
The heavens shall be opened, and from the temple of glory shall come upon him sanctification, with the Father's voice as from Abraham to Isaac. And the glory of the Most High shall be uttered over him, and the spirit of understanding and sanctification shall rest upon him in the water.(Levi 5:21-22)

The LORD said, 'Bless you, bless you, bless you my child, bless you'. 

As we know the water is symbolic of the divine feminine. The sacred waters that give life to every living creature. When the water breaks in the womb of creation, then comes the new birth of a bundle of joy, that is delivered by the nurse. Did you sing to your baby when it was born? Did you let your son hear your voice harmoniously? Did your son breast feed beautifully? 

Did you beam the love from your eyes, as you held the baby on your heart?  

Did you tell the child that you loved him every day? Did the child that you birthed, become your priority? Did his requirements become more important than yours? After you gave birth to the bundle of joy, did you become selfless? Could you see the light of love, beaming from the eyes of the child at you?

As the sister once said to yours truly, 'a baby is only as good, as its mother'. 

Just as a sailor requires a moral compass, a pilot requires his navigator, the baby requires his mother, and man requires the sanctification due to what man has co-created on this planet. 

Of course, man was also made to require his life partner to meet his requirements. Just as he has to meet the requirements of his woman. 

So the question is, what did you choose, did you choose that which is compatible, for the prosperous good health of the nations and yourselves? Or did you choose that which leads to extinction? 

Did you trust in the LORD to choose your life partner for you? 

Did you trust in the LORD God to ensure that humanity would be sanctified, in harmonic concordance with the divine plan? Did you put your trust and confidence in the noble woman of character, and her  divine wisdom? 'Do not forsake wisdom, she will protect you, love her, and she will watch over you'. Proverbs 4:6 

Is that why there are more female healers than male healers? 

The divine plan, that man would be humbled at the Lotus Feet of a woman, to raise him up? How he would save the lame, and give glory to his feet?

Wonderful then that the skies of the heavens are also blue, maybe that is why baby blue has been the color that baby boys have worn historically in Western nations.  However, I have seen pink clouds, when there has been a fire, and in the creation fresco the Father is wearing pink. As we know, pink is symbolic of love, and the son of Joseph also wore pink. Joseph is a fruitful vine. 

So then what is the temple of glory? Surely, it is the temple of the mother, that gives birth to the bundle of joy. The true Father defends his woman and the children. 

Who did the LORD send to Israel to give healing to the Levites, do you know?

What did the Father say to them through this Harp of Faithfulness to humble and sanctify them?

Do you remember Gabriel? 

How about when the sea of Galilee was blessed by yours truly in the sight of a Franciscan monk?

How about when she was in the swimming pool of water, with the disabled children at Ein Gedi?

How about when she blessed the waters of Norfolk, UK and Greece? 

Do you remember all this zealous compassionate action? 

When she arrived, was she a tsunami of love, a pent-up flood, a river of righteous love, and fountain of wisdom? 

Do you remember Gabriel when we sung our names out to the cosmos, do you remember when we toned our names, for unity consciousness for the peoples and children of the world? Do you remember when we all held hands, hugged and loved each other in Israel? 

Did the Father send wisdom to bless your house Gabriel? What did she ask you to put on the door?

What did she deliver to you, your wife and daughter, do you remember Gabriel? 

Did she cook for you, did she sweep the floor like snow white? 

Did she bring a tsunami of love for Israel, and the children of the world? 

Do remember the dream, and how she danced around your house in rainbow colors.

Do you remember how the woman of noble character, 

gave you a business consultation to help you?

How about wisdom's advice that she was compelled to send to Israel?

Did she swim in your pool Italy, did the real gypsy sit at her feet, and listen to every word that she delivered? 

Did the communists open their hearts, when she gave them divine guidance about their lives, and future? Did they welcome her with open arms?

Did she bless the river Arno in Florence divinely for the harmonic concordance?

Did she give recordings of her voice to be given to heal the poor in Italy and Romania?

How about you America, did she swim in your pools in Florida? 

Did she bless the people in Florida with the power of her love?

Did she give her golden wrap to a young single mother in Florida, to enwrap her, in the power of love.  To always remember it, and the law of giving of the truly faithful.

She did it all for love. 

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