
Thursday 17 July 2014


Bodhisattva Still Point message post last night, the post was removed wasn't it by someone who wishes to silent yours truly.

Today there is news that a 'Boeing 777',  Malaysian airlines crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border and sky news say that there were 296 people on board, sky also say that it was shot down.

However, was it?

Do you remember my recent dream of a plane, and how everyone was saying their 'goodbyes', as we were leaving the arrivals terminal?

Do you remember the badge of a pilot, after that dream had been received?

Do you remember the Amsterdam prophecy, that came to its conclusion on the 6th July, 2014. How the LORD predicted that it was going to get bigger after a 1,000 days? Malaysian Airways fly to Amsterdam.

How about when we were investigating the missing Malaysian plane, and the LORD said, 'Still Point'?

Do you remember that I found a still point location in the USA, of the Korean Buddhists? Is it a coincidence that I posted the 'Bodhisattva Still Point', blog post, prior to this plane event and news?

Is it a coincidence that the main temple of Kuan Yin is in Malaysia? Now who is this that's got a glum face when they see the tsunami of love?


Cheer up Mr Glum, the tsunami of the power of love will sweep them away.

Just looking to see what other paint has been spread in recent days.


Due to recent events I have called this painting NUTZ! The paint was spread earlier in the week.

July 2014 

The 17th July is the 'Day of Career'

BBC says there were six Brits on board.

There has also been a train crash in Southern France, 70 people on board.

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