
Wednesday 11 June 2014



11th June, 2014

Real friends are sunshine friends, 
and they shine like the light of the sun of righteousness.
They are always sent, and heavenly blessed. 
You know how real your friends are
when you know how long they've been kept. 
Precious gems in store like before, 
she walked on the seashore. 
They can touch your heart, to the core.
Sunshine friends know the love that is in your heart.
They've known you since the start. 

Real friends know who you are, 
and they know where you've been.  
Real friends have seen the light, and are keen.
They remember the sheen of the stockings, 
they remember the days of high heels, glitter and gold.  
There was white linen in every fold.
Even when it was cold.

There was always a shoulder to cry on. 
And someone to wish you the very best, a love blessed.
Such love poured out and received,  
such amazing hugs. 
How blessed we are to be loved.
The wall, the wall, the vine that is thine, 
it belongs to those that are kind. 

They do shine with the light of love in their eyes.
Their hearts open with compassion and mercy for yours truly.  
The days of charity, we all had so much fun, everyone raising a ton.  
Dancing and raising money, all at the same time.
With people of every kind.

We even held auctions, and emptied their pockets, 
and they loved every minute of it. 
It was those smiles you see, 
and the ladies legs, they simply couldn't resist it. 
I picked a pocket or two, took it from the rich, 
and gave it to poor that were raw. 
They laughed and then calfed. 
All those new projects, new beginnings and fresh starts. 

We went horse racing, car racing, and dog racing. 
We've seen all the tracks and cacks,
including White City, Silverstone and Brands Hatch. 
Have you ever been driven in a racing car?
I said, let me out, never again. 
It sounded like fun at the time, 
it turned out to not be such a good idea after all.
That was a call! My friend was offered a date.

Let's not forget shepherds bush mate, 
and all those birthday cakes. 

Sunshine friends have memories of joy, 
and as Jesus said, there is plenty of joy for everyone. 
The healers, the feelers, the clairsentient's, and group hugs, 
the meditations, congregations and sacred sites,
love every single one of the sunshine friends. 
Love beyond measure beloveds.

After the painting was  uploaded and I had written the post.

The heavenly Father said,  what sounded like Nubi

"En ta paume, mon verbe et ma pensée" 
("In the palm of your hand, my word and my thoughts.")

'The goal of integrating art into daily life'.

A progressive movement.

There is a Nubi Corners UK blog.
It seems the last time a post was made on that blog was in 2011.

Nubi can also be found in Italian.

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