
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Lamb -v- Scorpion

Due to the receipt of the 'Spider-Scorpion Dream', and what took place on the new forum last night with American orthodox Christians.

I then read about the recent shootings in the USA,  Las Vegas, the school near Portland, and Obama's response to it. I also found other messages related to it, and a video that I had been compelled to create. The video is called,  'Obama and the Scorpions'.

"We kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than any place else" Obama. 

Does that remind you of what I wrote about the American 'Forum Wars?'

Or how about the rates painting? Funny, there was a discussion about 'Ratings', on the new forum and how some Americans have their neg ratings removed. They then have the audacity to tell others that they can't take the heat, and forcibly co-create a ban situation to silence people. Does that remind you of the 2012 election? Of course, there was money involved in the forum where they had their ratings changed, in the same way as there was in 2012 election.

Removing neg, is symbolic of the way that some Americans live their lives in politics. Isn't that what happened, the vote was tampered with to get the response that the American leaders wished for.

Do you still like the American dream, and the plastic breasts, or are you ready for real ones?


This is from the Scorpion King post on 28th June, 2011. 

In the book of Ezekiel it mentions the Scorpions. "And whether they listen or fail to listen—for they are a rebellious people—they will know that a prophet has been among them. And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you and you live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say or be terrified by them, though they are a rebellious people. You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious." Ezekiel 2:5-7 

That day, I had also responded to a post about Hillary Clinton, please see the original post from the 28th June, 2011, to do with the USA.

On the 4th July, 2011, there was also a crop circle with scorpions in it, and I wrote this: 

'It also looks like there is going to be a break up of an old group, 
like one Scorpion King becoming four kings'. 

It also mentions the 4th July, the 'Day of Group'. 

Nostradamus also gave a picture and it is plate 68.  

In the plate the lamb is facing the scorpion, and that certainly happened on the new forum last night. 

A block of gold is also in that plate, and that is to do with Jesus.  

That was the way that Nostradamus communicated with those that know. 

The bone of contention from the orthodox Christians appears to be what I had written about Obama and the 2012 election.  I was correct, Obama did not get re-elected fair and square. We all know what happened during that election with Ron Paul, the Republicans and at the voting machines. As the LORD said, 'Politics is the bane of your life'. 

This morning I looked to see if there was some good news.  I looked through all of the archived visions and messages received in recent years, (that could relate to current events and the people involved in them) there was loads of them. However, I did find the ballet that was given, and the golden door vision with the message. 

This is a great album from a British group,  Spandau Ballet and its called,  'Gold'.

'Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall' Genesis 49:22

Song of Songs, 'I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers, thus I have become in his eyes, like one bringing contentment 8:10. 


Compelled to spread the paint for sunshine friends. For friends that truly shine like the sun.


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