
Friday 6 June 2014



Original painting A4

6th June, 2014 

I once knew a beautiful woman with the name of Rosie, she was a model. After I heard her name last night, prior to painting this for her. I pondered on her, and her life, what she was doing her utmost to communicate. She only ever turned to me once, it was after a fashion show for charity.  

When she did, she imparted a message that she wished for me to know. Why she chose me, to give the message to, about another person she did not say. However, in hindsight, it clearly had an important reason for being.

There was great sadness in her heart at the time, and the message that she imparted, was to do with a man and money. She made it clear that she had become nothing more than an ornament on his arm. When the painting was finished, I received a message, Trust', 'Friends'.

I was with trusted friends, the night that she spoke to me from her heart, at the fashion show. Once again, she speaks to me from her heart.

I have been blessed with many friends during my life, and I know that our mutual friends in Spirit, also carefully for yours truly. Interesting that she should draw close to me at this time. Life after death, truly does exist. 

I also know healers, students and colleagues with the same name, so many Roses. 

You have to smile, I just looked at the verse of the day. 'I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power together, with all the Lords holy people,  to grasp how wide, and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God'. Ephesians 3:17-19 

There is the answer, out of all of the people that were at the fashion show that evening, she turned to the holy one. She knew that I was spiritual, a healer, that and I had the ear to hear,  the eyes to see, and the heart to comprehend the sadness in her heart. She knew that I was established in love. 

That reminds me of the LORD's message to his daughter Zion, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean and as tall as a tree'. 

The wondrous woman from heaven with the moon under her feet. 

Those that love Mount Zion cannot be shaken, for they know that the LORD God loves daughter 
Zion, more than he loves Israel. Many knew on a soul level, and that is why their lives were entrusted to the overseer, that were written in my book of life.  

'You will keep in perfect peace whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you'. The LORD is the rock eternal' Isaiah 26:3-4

Hence the meaning of the name and the date of birth,  

Zion is the immovable rock due to her foundation being established in love. 

Do you know what the word for love is in Hebrew? Do you know that it is the gematria value of the date of my birth, the numeric of 13. 

Do you know what HESED means?

Do you comprehend and live lovingkindness, is it your foundation?  

As we know, scripture predicted that salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

1 comment:

  1. Just read an email, a friend has invited me to go to the beach with her on Sunday. There is something that she would like to discuss with me.

    God willing, it will be a hot sunny day.
