
Friday 6 June 2014


There has been a 'robbery'  Hamilton's in George Street Edinburgh.


Funny that I was posting about Scotland last night. It also reminds me of the recent precious gems in the mandala, and opal dream. It seems to be the timeline for the precious gems. In the dream, it was after I saw the large precious rocks, that a man that I recognized then appeared before me full of love.


Re-posted the precious stones prophecy again just a couple of days ago.

In the dream a woman was going to a different location to me, and I was going there for a week.

Well first week in June is pretty accurate in this month of GEM-IN-I.

In the dream, I put my hand on the man's heart, for heart-to-heart  communication, because I was told to explain everything to him. Then a few days ago, I noticed that Isaiah 28 mentions the explaining of the message and teaching of it.

Heart-to-heart also reminds me of author, scientist, David Hamilton from Scotland. Its a long time since I put my hands on his heart, bless him. It was an honor to go on missions to Scotland, the love in them was truly awesome. We laughed so much all of us, when we were sharing our love and joyousness.

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