
Wednesday 18 June 2014


Today I had a dream, and there were some people from a social network in the dream. In the beginning of the dream, there were three women in the dream, and one of the women was trying to get the other woman to make peace with me.

We talked gently to each other, and there were two young puppies in the dream. The woman that was facilitating the peace process was doing most of the talking, she was also sharing and talking about how beautiful the puppies were.

I was just explaining when it was appropriate to do so. The woman's partner then turned up, and I spoke to him about an event that was being organized the following evening. It was a musical event that had been organized by a friend at a wine bar. He said he would like to come, after he read the leaflet that I shared with him.

Then I held the puppies, one at a time, admiringly. There was a cream one, and a black one, and they looked like baby labs. They were so sweet, I just loved them. I then shared with the woman that her partner was coming to the event the following evening. She just looked at me in response.

The woman showed me a photograph, and I said to the woman that had been brought to the meeting, what she could do with the wedding photograph. It had bridesmaids and pageboys in the photograph.

It was early autumn time in the photograph, late September time, the children had been photographed together in nature, and the picture was in a simple gold frame.

Then there was another cameo in the dream, and I was outside my first house. A young girl came, and she was interested in my house, there was also a camper van outside. I replied,  'currently, the house is not for sale',  and she asked if she would be able to sleep in the camper van. I replied, that she could. I said that the camper van, can be like a holiday home. 

The peacemaker from the dream, asked 'Have you cleaned your teeth', I said, 'no, I am going to clean them now'. She knew that I hadn't been up for very long. (I am due for some dental treatment). 

Then the dream ended, and afterwards, I saw the King of Rainbows looking at me again.  The look on his face said it all, he was satisfied, and contented with the actions of the woman that he could see. A man that can see the beauty of a woman goes beyond skin deep, in all the glory that is his. 

He was very happy at what had been accomplished. Its the look of a man, when he loves a woman, and what she does. 

The main aspects of the dream was peace, communication, the puppies and the feminine.  In my reality, the puppies are to do with a philosophy that was imparted in a fun and innovative way. Sent to spiritual people during the Rev 12 timeline. Its pure intention was to explain the Christ teachings, about communication, based upon my life experience of it. 

As far as peace is concerned, Prophet Isaiah predicted that there would only be 3-4 olives left. 

He also predicted that peace would be their governor and well-being their ruler. As we know, from olives comes the oil, and the oil appears in the parable of the Virgins. Do you have olive skin like I do, olive skin loves the sun, and it doesn't require much oil. A little oil is enough for those with olive skin.

To dream of dogs is a symbol of friends, if the dogs were affectionate, it signifies happy times ahead with friends. To dream of looking at a photograph, can forecast the renewal of an old friendship. 

However, the woman in the dream wasn't happy with my suggestions, and what she could do with the photograph, putting leaves on the front of it. As I have written previously, don't ask, if you do not wish to hear the response. 

As we know, biblically, the leaves are for healing the nations. Hence, the leaves that I recommended  were symbolic of healing for the children with vibrational medicine. Sun Essences in the UK, do an English flower essence with the name,'Autumn Leaves' and it is for Transition'. 

'The colors of autumn are mixed together to give a natural Earth Essence that re-connects you with nature and the ever-changing patterns of life. Today, people find themselves living many different lifetimes within one - dying and being reborn like the cycles of nature. This can be a very difficult process. Autumn leaves are supportive when going through a period of profound personal change'. 
Viv Williamson.

In the dream the house that I was in, was bright and sunny,  like being in a room that is close to a conservatory. I was happy, just being naturally me, in my own environment, with the affectionate dogs. 

It seems that is why, the woman was being a peacemaker between the two women, that come from different realities, nations and cultures. I was peaceful, the other woman wasn't at peace with herself, or the situation. 

Hence it was clear to see the difference between the righteous and those that are not. For the light is upon the righteous, and joy for the upright heart. The puppy philosophy brought joy to people, when it was originally distributed around the world. 

The light shone upon the receivers, it was so simple, to explain the importance of communication, the innocence of truth, that imparted golden wisdom, like a golden puppy that brings its healing love, and affection unconditionally. 

I loved the puppies, and the puppies that loved me. So it was a beautiful dream of the intention of reconciliation between many different realities, that are impacted upon by the heart of communication. 

For truly when puppies communicate with you, their great big eyes speak to you from their hearts. It is a heart connection when you cuddle a puppy on your breast. A heart-to-heart connection. The puppies that were given to me were pedigrees, although the little black one had a splash of white on his face. 

They have found that when veterans were given puppies, it helped them to make a breakthrough with their PTS. How wonderful is that? The love of the puppies could do, what the pills and doctors could not. You see, they cannot patent the power of healing love that comes from nature. 

They cannot bottle its awesomeness, they can choose to look at the power of love, its miracles, and be in awe of it, and its Creator. For that is what the LORD created for humanity. A love so powerful, so pure in its intention, so natural, so beautiful, that the loving hearts of the righteous, claim it, and defend it, with all the love in their hearts. 

The dream could also signify that there is a peace process being discussed between women on this planet, at this time. For it is important that women make peace, so that the men can do the same. 

Although it is clear from the dream, that the man was more willing to make peace with a woman, then his partner was. He was the one that that was willing to put the effort in, and attend the event. That showed a willingness to co-operate with the righteous. 

So if you wish for peace to come to the world, begin, make peace with each other. Peace is essential for the being, and from the well of peace, enlightenment springs. That is why I asked the people, where are you coming from? Are you coming from the wellness in your heart, the love within it, and the heart of wisdom?

A boundary was put in place that they could not cross, and the LORD ensured that yours truly raised the bar. It was a divine commission, divine will in action.

Prophecy predicts that there will be a new language, IMHV, it is due to a new way of communicating  with each other. 

A woman in the dream was interested in my home, she couldn't have my house. However, she was happy to sleep in the camper van. She was given a place close to me. To dream of a home or a house can indicate that adjustments will be made to circumstances. 

To dream of a holiday home, can indicate that you will have to work hard, although your efforts will be productive if you dreamed of a camper van that moves, it can also indicate travel, a place of rest, like a holiday. So being close to the divine is like being on holiday, so much to see and experience. 

A vehicle can also indicate a transition,  like transmigration, moving from one place to another. It does indicate that people are moving from one state of being to a different reality. 

You go somewhere, you experience what you are there to experience for divine purpose.  Then you come back home to where you live, bringing all that wealth of divine experience with you. 

After I made the post above, I went to make a coffee, I looked out of the kitchen window, and I saw a large amount of green energy was floating on the forecourt. The energy was large, the size of half a vehicle. The energy was this color. 

18th June, 2014 

The 18th of June, is the 'Day of Security'. 

Interesting dream to have today.

In February 2014,  there was another dream about the labs and the black lab was licking me all over.

In Luke 16, the dogs licked the beggar. it mentions how the beggar was at the gates of the rich man. 

After the beggar died, the beggar was carried to Abraham and was comforted, while the rich man was left behind, in the sheer agony of the fire. After that, they could no longer reach Abraham, and the person that had been licked by the dogs, was being comforted. 

In January, there was a Canadian that was asking for help, and I did do my utmost to help him. In fact, there was a miracle for him within 24 hours. The last skype message I received from the man of science, was on the 21st April, the day before I left the place where we used to chat. The man of science seems to have disappeared, and neither of us are where we used to be. 

'The one that gets wisdom loves life: the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper".

1 comment:

  1. I've found the camper van, and since this dream was received. I discovered that a dear friend, David Green passed over on the 7th October, 2013. That could explain why I saw the green energy on the forecourt, after the puppy dream, and why I saw the emerald energy yesterday while I was bathing.

    I've never posted on Facebook or Twitter, for reasons that some know.

    Bizarre, even the autumn leave song. Clearly, David has given a friend of mine an autumn dream as well. Well hopefully, he can rest now, he knows that I know.
