
Thursday 19 June 2014


The King of Rainbows seems to be with me every morning when I wake up, big smiles. Fancy that, waking up to a happy face everyday. He does make me smile.

Due to what is happening on the planet, it is appropriate to share some information that is mentioned in Luke 16.

In February 2014,  there was another dream about the labs and the black lab was licking me all over.

In Luke 16, the dogs licked the beggar. it mentions how the beggar was at the gates of the rich man. 

After the beggar died, the beggar was carried to Abraham and was comforted, while the rich man was left behind, in the sheer agony of the fire. 


After that, they could no longer reach Abraham, and the person that had been licked by the dogs, was being comforted due to what they had experienced in their life conditions. The holy beggar initiation had come to its conclusion, for all the world to see. 

In January, there was a Canadian that was asking for help, and I did do my utmost to help him. In fact, there was a miracle for him within 24 hours. The last skype message I received from the man of science, was on the 21st April, the day before I left the place where we used to chat. The man of science seems to have disappeared, and neither of us are where we used to be. 

In Luke 16, Abraham then speaks of Moshe and the prophets are to be listened to. Luke 16 also shares the 'Parable of the Shrewd Manager', and in the 80's, due to the integrity and power of love of the flame of Joseph, the job of the Managing Director did go, after the truth was known. 

It happened again in 2007, in that instance, the whole company went. Maybe next time they will learn to give daughter Zion, the Harp of Faithfulness her wages. Remember what Prophet Malachi said about elohiym.

Luke 16 explains what happens next. 

There is a  boundary that they cannot cross. 

Now if you read Luke 16, you will realize why the rich men of Islam stood against the dogs in the teachings of their prophet. 

I love dogs, do you? Fancy that, the lick of the dog was a major breakthrough. Especially, as the wondrous woman from heaven, delivered the puppy philosophy in the Rev 12 timeline. See, Jesus was correct, wisdom will be proven right by her actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words. The moon is under her feet! A divine commission and providence. 

'The one that gets wisdom loves life: the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper".

19th June is the 'Day of Spark', such a bright spark, as we say in England. 

This video was posted in 2011, with some visions and messages, that included Big Ben.

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