
Sunday 15 June 2014


In the transfiguration it is written that Jesus saw Elijah and Moses together. It was clearly a message that that they would come together. In a recent message received the LORD said, 'Moshe has come' and I spread the paint for it.


In the biblical prophecies a Spirit of Justice comes for daughter Zion. Isaiah 28.

'He will be a Spirit of Justice to the one that sits in judgement, a source of strength to those that turn back the battle from the gate'. The prophecy also mentions the milk, and when I was painting the Opal mandala one of the words that I was given was 'milk'. 

'I will make justice your measuring line, and righteousness your plumb line'.  Once again we are speaking of two different realities and two different people. Just like peace and well-being are two different realities.  The prophecy speaks of a stone that was laid in Zion and in the recent Opal dream, the uncut rock was larger than my hand. 

The bed is too short to stretch out on, the blanket to narrow to wrap around you'. What do blankets and beds have in common in the last days of the end times? Massage beds. I have certainly met a few healers like that in my lifetime, as tall as trees. Although none of them laid on my massage bed. 

'He will rouse himself as in the valley of Gibeon' in Hebrew the word for Gibeon is 'giv'on'. 

More on 'giv'on'' and the pool of 'giv'on'. 

In Rev 15, they are given harps, and the harps are to do with faithfulness sometimes translated as righteousness. Harp is also a feminine instrument, and in spiritual symbology it is like the ladder that leads to the next world. It has a beautiful and gentle healing sound, easy on the ear and it reminds people of the angels and the heavenly realms. 

The vibration of the harp, is really the vibration of the heart. Hence, why the instrument is so important in this timeline. Compassionate hearts can really change the world. That article was published in an Australian magazine 'The Way of the Heart',  it was also distributed around the world. 

No coincidence then that in the meditation of the heart, that was divinely given in 2000, it also has the sound and music of the harps at the beginning of it. It surely was divine providence, as the producer chose to add the sound of the harp to the sound track of my voice, after my voice had been recorded.

It was years later that I was shown that the meditation of the heart being given is a biblical prophecy. It was years after that, I was then shown the revelation given to King David, about the Harp that would come at night time e.g. the last days of the end times.

Psalm 92 spoke of the Harp of Faithfulness that would come at night time, and how the Lute of Lovingkindness and the Harp of Faithfulness would have a resounding impact on the third instrument. 


Is Moshe the third instrument mentioned in Psalm 92? Is Moshe the Spirit of Justice mentioned in Isaiah 28? Wouldn't the Spirit of Justice and judgement, be united in this timeline of wisdom? 

As Jesus predicted, she has more wisdom than Solomon, and this timeline calls for wisdom with insight.  This calls for a mind of wisdom, and wisdom will be proven right by her actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words. 

Remember this, 'salvation is at the gates of Zion' 

'The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwellings of Jacob.' Psalm 87:2 


Then they sing the song of Moses and the lamb, and the righteous acts are revealed. 

Some Rabbi's say that Mashiach and Moshiach would come in this timeline to usher in the new. For as prophecy predicts, the old heaven and earth is passing away, and everything will be made anew. 

Psalm 104 is a beautiful psalm, it mentions the meditation, and the wine for the heart. In spiritual symbology, the wine is also to do with the feminine, and in ancient days, the Jewish people poured the red wine over the bread and than ate it. The bread of life was symbolic of the masculine. Hence, eating the two together, was a symbol of unity of the two different energies in alignment. Divine love of the feminine is poured over the bread of life of the masculine. 

As we know, to the Jewish people, the red wine is also associated with Elijah. Although the wine can be found in mystical realities in many different cultures. It is true to say that the wine of the mystic, is good for the heart, in more ways than one, including healing it with divine love in manifestation. 

In Psalm 104, it speaks of the LORD wrapping himself in the light. 

Is there any greater light than divine love? 

They sing about the heart and the sonnets.

Do you remember the sonnets, and when we were asked to write them?


  1. No, there is no light greater than Love. Love is what started the beginning and Love shall end it all, it must all pass away, as Love is not stagnant.

  2. He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” Luke 16:31
