
Monday 16 June 2014


I popped into the farm again last night.

This morning I had a lucid dream, and in hindsight it really is not a surprise. I was shown two different locations on the internet, then I was shown a large crystal type energy with sharp points.

Then I received the message for the two internet locations. 'Be prepared, to meet your maker'. 

Then there was another cameo to the dream, I was in a room with two women, a man was sitting in a chair. He was a stranger, I walked towards the man with fair hair and a beard. He was between 50-60 years old or thereabouts.

I put my hands on his heart with pure intention of the light of love. I spoke to the man, and I said to him, 'There is hate in your heart'. He didn't respond.

Then afterwards, I shared the previous part of the dream with the women, and the younger of the two healers immediately went to rush off to someone else. The healer said, that she felt that the pointed crystal in the dream meant that the man had to have help from the crystal healer. I told the women, (one of them had the name of Jill) that 'crystal couldn't help the man.' 

They asked, 'what shall we do', I replied, 'We won't tell him, that it is too late'. It was clear to me that it was a karmic situation, and the consequences were being revealed.

After that, a Lion appeared before me with a gold crown on its head.

In dream interpretation, 'To feel hatred in a dream suggests that you should beware of misjudging someone'. The Dreamers Dictionary, Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett.

It is certainly the case that some people do that, especially in the two locations that were shown to me in the first part of the dream.

If a Lion is featured in your dreams and visions,  it can be a symbol of social distinction and/or business leadership. In spiritual symbology, in Buddhism, 'it is the defender of the spiritual law, the wisdom of the Buddha. Spiritual zeal, advancement, and cognizance, bravery, an enlightened one. Depicting sovereignty.' 

In Christian symbology, it can be symbolic of the hermit, solitude, of the recluse, it is often associated with Jesus, due to orthodox Christians referring to him as the King of Judah. In Egyptian symbology, it can represent the protection of Ra and the 'judge of the dead'.

When people pass over due to what they hold in their hearts, it is judgement upon them. it is the spiritual law. America have the largest incidence of heart disease in the world, it is a clear message to their nation, that the heart is the real issue for it.

The gateways of the heart can close due to emotion, hearts can be besieged like the heart of Nikki.

There is no choice, it has to be healed, if people are to transcend into a new heavenly reality, that is open hearted, trustworthy and true.


For the LORD will defend the spiritual law that he has put into your hearts. If you turn against the law of divine love, that he put into your hearts, then the spiritual law manifests accordingly.

It is the love in your being that gets you through, and helps to heal your cells. The light of love has to have a place to exist within your being, for the healing love that is given to rejuvenate it.

There is no greater place than the heart for love to blossom, and it is wonderful to watch the seeds of love grow in awesomeness, due to perfected love. Scripture shares with you, that the LORD wraps himself in the light, the light of divine love.

What other vessel would be worthy of him? Didn't, Prophet Jeremiah predict,  that a woman would encompass a man? Just like the red wine of the mystic, poured over the bread of life.

Are you faithful and true?

This heart of wisdom and divine love in manifestation, shall not judge those, that have already given judgement to themselves. The spiritual law of God always has the last word, in that there is divine justice. For what you do to others, you do unto yourselves, only the saints are justified in the spiritual law, when they are delivering the word of God, due to their state of being love.

When I speak of the saints, I do not speak of the Mormons, I speak of those that did it all for love.

Those that were prepared to give everything, for divine love in manifestation, for the healthy consciousness of the nations. Those that were found worthy to give, for the heart is for giving.

To see a pointed crystal in a dream means that it is the end of a timeline. The healing points have been made, and it is time to move on. I must admit seeing the crystal points, do remind me of Superman, and the heavenly parents of the cosmic baby, who sent him to this planet.

I am sure the journalists like the fact, that the cosmic baby, grew up to be a writer, and journalist in the story. A skilled writer is also mentioned in the biblical prophecies, although in the latest superman trailer, they mention how he would be an outcast. If you read the biblical prophecies, you will find that daughter Zion was sent to help the outcasts.

May their hearts always be filled and compelled by love. For when a man's heart is compelled by divine love, there is nothing that he cannot achieve, when it is righteously helping humanity to make a breakthrough.  In harmonic concordance with the spiritual law.

The spiritual law and its righteousness, compassionate action in the manifestation of divine love. It requires right action, action that is upright in thought, word and deed, and of course it is charitable.

The LORD asked for mercy, not sacrifice. Did they get the message, how merciful were they, to themselves, and their own hearts?

To dream of a person sitting in a chair can indicate 'comfort'. Hence, you can understand what became a comfort zone for the man in the dream. To dream of a 'stranger', can indicate a happy reunion with friends. I did know the healers in the dream, so that would be a reunion. I have been invited to a reunion at the end of September, and it relates to a project that I began 30 years ago. Its still going after all these years, and it has blessed many lives with happiness.

A dream within a dream portends a deferment of your highest hopes, but nevertheless a definite improvement in your present circumstances. The Lion can also indicate the time of Leo. Interesting that in 2009, there was a vision of a Lion, Star, and an alien logo. See comments section for the link.

Just checked in to see what Robert is writing about, and he has written about the 'Christ Fest'.


  1. There have been other visions of the LION and this one is from 2009, before the two locations in today's dream came to be. It speaks of a Lion, a Star and and an alien logo.

  2. 13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both theos and money.”Luke 16

  3. The Lion and Samson. Looks like we've found the man that I saw in the dream. Mr and Mrs Samson. The American doctor killed his wife after the wedding reception.
