
Thursday 29 May 2014



While spreading this paint in the early hours of the morning.  
The heavenly Father said 'Racing'. 

Hence the name of the painting that also links into the '12/8th's Prophecy' that he gave. 

At that time, he said, 'they have signed their own death warrants'.

His revelation was correct, it happened in the USA, soon afterwards.

We've just had the Monaco grand prix, and it looks like its Canada next.

  6-8 June, 2014. 


29th May, 2014. 

The 29th May, is the 'Day of Quicksilver'.  

The verse of the day at biblegateway is Psalm 103. 

No surprise then that it mentions the 'pit, and there is the 'pit stop' in car racing.

'Who redeems your life from the pit, 
and crowns you with love and compassion?'. Psalm 103:4

Prophecy fulfilled,
I was at the British Grand Prix, at Brands Hatch, the year that James Hunt won!

6th June = Day of Visionary
7th June = Day of Entertainer
8th June = Day of Influence

Psalm 103 predicted that righteousness would come with the third generation.

20th Century, England.

Joseph, Son of Joseph, Flame of Joseph.

What did they do? Jesus tells you what they did, 'they beat one, they killed another, and stoned the third' Matthew 21:35 You see, I have a brother. 

Jesus also predicted that if it came with the 2nd or 3rd watch, humanity would be blessed. He was clearly aware of the prophecy in Psalm 103, and Micah 4 about daughter Zion, the overseer.  

'Do not forsake wisdom,  and she will protect you, love her, and she will watch over you'. Proverbs 4:6 Isaiah 52:8. 

'After two days he will revive us, on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence' Hosea 6:2 Is it a coincidence, that this is the third millennium and the Age of Aquarius?

Is it a coincidence that the Reiki first degree is two days, and the Reiki II is two days?  First they're  revived, then they're restored on the healing training courses. How wonderous is that? 

First Apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles and gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.  1 Corinthians 12:28

Do you like crunchies? Son of Joseph loved crunchies, he started something. He had an amazing way of delivering messages, that would come back to your remembrance. Proverbs 24:26

If and when I am compelled to eat crunchies,  I know the RAB is around, he had a very sweet tooth!

Golden syrup is uniquely British, and it reminds me of the golden hearts painting. I like syrup pudding and custard, oh I do. Although it is rare that I eat it, due to the calorie content, and the length of time it takes to steam it.

If ever I am taken out to an English pub, or restaurant, and syrup pudding is on the menu, my heart says, I just have, to have it. As Sophia used to say, 'A little of what you fancy does you good'.

Spiritual path of mashiach 


  1. Chicago Will Tower Cracks, 103 stories up.

  2. Jim Clark rally in Scotland, 3 died due to a collision.

  3. Car and Night bus collide in London. One man has died and 13 injured. Colors red bus and blue car involved.
