
Thursday 29 May 2014


This year videos from Russell Means, about the importance of the sacred feminine, and men being afraid of the light. Repeating what Plato also said. However, due to what happened in Santa Barbara, what we've witnessed on internet forums, also what happened to the woman outside the court in Pakistan.

It is apparent that what the LORD and the police referred to as 'Misogyny' is a major issue for humanity to address. Let's face it, it has been going on for 1,000 of years. Even in the legend of Jesus and Magdalene when he had to step in, to stop people killing the natural healer. Nothing much has changed has it in 2,000 years, especially when you have witnessed and experienced how many so-called religious people are involved in it.

In America and Islam, its not just men against women either. Its women against women. I often said to Americans, 'What on earth do you feed your children'. This is not Vienna in the 1900's.

I am known for not liking 'labels', due to pharmaceutical companies developing drugs for everything under the sun. However, 'Misogyny leads to murder',  as been proven over and over again. The only solution is to heal it. There is no requirement for text books, music or films on it, it is clear what it looks like, and it can be clearly identified. Although there can be different root causes, that co-created the core issues that co-created it in the person involved in it. Healing the 'Inner child' is essential. That is why Jesus asked his followers to become like little to children, to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Then we have a different reality that Don Carlos sang about, in his song about the 'girl'. It is clear that children learn what they live in their home life, and humanity has reached tipping point. Whereby, it must transform its morality and conscience. For only hearts of compassionate action, can change the world positively, to be the world that is worthy of children to live in. This song reminded me of a dream that I had about being at a bus stop, in December, 2013.


'I have been resting in my healing sanctuary. While I was healing, there was a large FOG HORN noise in both ears, that is unusual, because I usually hear sounds clairaudiently in one of my ears at a time. 

A long time after I heard the fog horn noise, the LORD then said ‘Caribbean’. 

While I was there I began dreaming and it was recurring dream. I was outside at a bus stop where I have been before. Across the road was a Christian place for the youth and colored (Black) youngsters were going there to make music and for sports etc. 

I met a white man close to the bus stop and we got talking. Another white man came along and he signaled for the man to follow him into the Christian place. The man was asking me lots of questions about me and my work, and then he invited me to go for a drink at the Christian place, so I went with him. 

While we were there, there was a woman behind the bar counter and she was shouting and screaming when she saw me, I tried to talk to her I said to her ‘you do not know who I am’, she carried on shouting and she shouted out the words ‘Prophet Elijah’ and she just couldn’t handle it. I did my utmost to calm the woman down, and I said ‘calm down, you have a heart condition’, then she looked at me stunned, and she said ‘how did you know about my heart, I am taking prozac’. 

I then put her hands on her heart and my hands on hers; and I was giving her healing. She then began to relax and to smile. After that she was waving her arms around. 

Then I woke up. Feeling just as sleepy as when I went into the healing sanctuary. 

The dream showed me that this is about the HEART and what the people have been consuming, that is why they react when this light arrives in their reality.

Turn your hearts to the children. 



  1. I said i would not bother you anymore. But i have been driven to this. Eli, those that you called my friends are not. I met the Omega, the christians are gathering together, they believe something wonderful is coming for them. The Father told me, and not in words, they must prepare for winter.

    Evidently, i'll be gone before hand, or not affected, because it has nothing to do with me by autumn.

    Just know Eli, i left that place, and did my best to help others. I've never seen such horrible things.

    You were right to get angry with me. I wanted you to get out. So in essence i have destroyed myself, in reaction to being over bearring, and protecting the one who really has all the protection she could ever have.

    I am sorry for being such a mess Eli, but i am not as far away from the Father, as i was before you. But i will be last, and the struggle to the door is nearly complete.


  2. Stay in the light of love. Scripture gave a prophecy that wisdom will protect you, if you allow her to do so. I asks do not forsake wisdom, and she will always watch over you. Remember the Opal dream, there has been a volcanic eruption in Indonesia, the ash cloud has impacted on all flights to Australia are cancelled.

    How are you doing with the widow, are things going well


  3. This is from the Racing post.

    20th Century, England.

    Joseph, Son of Joseph, Flame of Joseph.

    What did they do? Jesus tells you what they did, 'they beat one, they killed another, and stoned the third' Matthew 21:35 You see, I have a brother.

    Jesus also predicted that if it came with the 2nd or 3rd watch, humanity would be blessed. He was clearly aware of the prophecy in Psalm 103, and Micah 4 about daughter Zion, the overseer.

    'Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you, love her, and she will watch over you'. Proverbs 4:6 Isaiah 52:8.

  4. I have seen what has been written Mitch, one of the Americans that PM'd me with PMs titled, 'war', wrote of that she considers that which is 'Ancient', is 'redundant'. Well, she as more than a few surprises coming. For sure during the next two years, the Americans have a lot to learn, and they have chosen to learn the hard way. Jesus did warn them a few years ago about the Church, and the fact that they have no security at all. As Jesus said, 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words, wisdom will be proven right by her actions'. There is no protection for the Christians, that have forsaken wisdom, that Jesus supports wholeheartedly. As I posted while you were there, America and Americans will be humbled. I do not intend to stand by and watch them being humbled. I have more important things to do, and so do you.

    So let them go their own way, in the next two years, there will be huge changes in America. I can guarantee it, that they will be crying as they see their country and nation becoming stubble. Prophecy says there will be no survivors due to what is coming to be. The Rabbi's warned them in advance that the only person that can help them is Joseph.

    As the Beatles sung, 'Let it be', Eight days a week'. Always remember the 8th Day song. Its love, and compassion.

    Remember the heavenly Father called you 'Racoo', and he was asking you to heal Mitch. So heal, love, and go where he shows you to go. You know where to come, if you ever require any help with the healing, or guidance. Stay in touch, its going to be a very hot summer.

    1. The widow and i are taking things day to day. We are still sureal to one another. A few days ago she said "it figures, to find the one, during the fleeing of time." She is beyond words to me. I fall deeper for her with every second that passes. It's just wow!!! :)

      We have so much in common, yet actually learn from one another. However, when we are at work, it's all business, with the exception of particular eye language. :)

      I just got back from working on the road for a couple of days, i can't say i have missed the 16 hour days. But PA is a beautiful state.

      I had a dream last night. By far this was the most vivid, and heart wrenching, ever. The dream started with the widow and eye star gazing. Then the stars started disappearing, slowly at first, then in a blink it was frigid cold, and pitch black. We held each other, and it was like the world screamed, it would not stop. Then a bright flash, and we were at her house, it was sunny! Another day, place, time? Dunno? What felt like an hour of peace, was shattered by the loadest noise, loader than and cackle or crack of thunder. We could both feel the vibration deep inside us. I said, "that's not a storm."

      Then i woke up, drenched in sweat, and for a moment forgot were i was. I then wrote my entire recollection of this dream in my journal.

      I agree that this summer is going to be hot. So much so quickly culminating, the masses are going to go berserk. Food prices alone, will eventually crush millions. Yet people will continue to blame evil, and government. Then they pray for the coming of the Fathers' Kingdom, and have absolutely no idea, what it is they ask for. The world is so lost, and the lost in America lead everyone to worship a war with the Almighty. Such terrible times have passed, witnessing that which i knew was coming for decades has not been without it's sarrows. However, knowing what comes next, is some how comforting. I guess falling in love puts positive light upon many things.

      Love from across the big water, a warrior for light, a soldier of love, a humbled American, with a heart set free.


  5. I am so happy for you and your new lady Mitch, enjoy every moment as I know that you will. Glad to hear that you are taking it slowly, one day at a time. Yes, jumping into love can be refreshingly beautiful, and joyous. It certainly raises the spirit of the heart and our Creators love for us. To see two souls entwined as one, and the energetic fireworks when they make love. Lighting matches in heaven, and the flames of love ignite.

    You are correct about America, I remember when Jesus also said that America is a lost soul'. You see, your heart is in touch with his. Trust it.

    I just noticed that someone had written that 'patience laid down the ace.' As we know, wisdom has the ace cards in her hand.

    I then saw that a race was won in England by a horse in December. So I shared the quote and this.

    'DOWN ACE ON THE UP. DOWN ACE continued her superb winning run by getting the better of Blue Buttons and As I Am, to secure Listed honours at Taunton.'

    That was a race that was.

    What do dates have to do with grapes
    And those that wear capes?
    They come in all different shapes.
    Did you see the elephant fly?
    Or was it a kite in flight.

    Hollywood plans a release
    on August 15th.
    The Israeli newcomer
    takes on Meryl Streep.

    No requirement for champagne,
    Charlie, Farley, or Comic relief.
    There has been enough bloody noses.

    The heart is weighed by the Spirit of Maat
    not a cat.

    Love beyond measure Mitch - Heart Set Free.
