
Saturday 3 May 2014

No Angry Birds

No 'Angry Birds', and technology for toddlers. It has been proven that 'Angry Birds' and technology is holding back the natural development of children. Toddlers brought up on technology, are scoring lower in the usual development tests. Let's face it, babies were not made for technology, babies are from heaven.


In Indianapolis, a tornado has impacted on a family of orthodox Christians in America. As biblical prophecy predicts their king won't save them. I did predict that this recent solar eclipse would impact on the Christians.

Read more:

Isaiah 47:14. 'Surely they are like stubble', Does that remind you of the prophecy to do with the land of ESAU America? Remember the Obadiah prophecy about Esau?

It was the Angel of his Presence that saved. Isaiah 63:9 I will strengthen Judah, and save the tribes of Joseph. Zech 10:6

Did you know that the branch came for David as Jeremiah predicted? 

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