
Saturday 3 May 2014


This is my new mandala, and the intention was to spread the paint for the innocent. As the Lute of Lovingkindness said, say Kom. In the centre is the golden flower and it is surrounded by bright orange sunflower petals for its sunflower seeds.

It then has crystal clear turquoise waters surround. Like when the water surrounds an island. I did buy a turquoise crystal for a friend in 2013, although I didn't get around to sending it to him. So I shall make some gem elixir with the turquoise and gold.

Did you know that Turquoise is one of the stones from Tibet? We usually associate it with the USA. However, it is also found in France. Gurudas shares with us that in ancient Egypt turquoise was used for eye conditions such as 'cataracts'. 

It also protects against 'environmental pollutants', particularly useful for people who live at high altitudes like they do in Tibet.

Good for 'tissue regeneration and assists the absorption of nutrients.' It is recommended for 'torn tendons and ligaments.' That figures.  It can be used in the bath and various oils. It is a master healer that works with the subtle bodies and Gurudas claims that it has 'the unique capacity to move closer to the levels of the physical body'. So if you are working with any physical issues, turquoise is essential.

I used to wear this color turquoise and wear the stone a lot in the 90's, due to its transformation properties, I also like the color and was very supportive of the indigenous people on the reservations.

There used to be a lady in the UK, on the galilee of the gentiles, and she brought all sorts of lovely indian gifts to the shows. There were many people in the UK and Europe that were importing products from the reservations. Some indians that have never left the shores of the USA, are innocent of how much support the Europeans have given on a consistent basis, in these last days of the end times. Respect of the American Indians and their culture has been beyond measure by European spiritual people. As such, it should be honored.

Although I was surprised to see these people in Greece. 

And what's the latest in Tibet? The USCIRF Report about China and what it does in Tibet.

So why did the people in Afghanistan let China into their country?

Why did the Greeks allow so much Chinese immigration? The Greek businessmen, told me it was all about the Olympics, I shared with the guys, that the same happened in Australia, and the UK. As soon as the Olympics were announced, the floodgates of immigration opened.

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