
Friday 11 April 2014

Sunny Hill Parrot Defends

The bird of paradise defends its owner on Sunny Hill in North London. The report refers to the 'parrot' as the 'excellent bodyguard'. Christos indeed.

The bird of paradise.

A person asked me if I had ever handled a bird such as this. My mother, had a tiny bird, it used to sit on the end of her kitting needles while she was knitting when I was a child. She only had one bird that kissed her a lot during her life. It was really sweet!.

Cheerful hearts are always gladdened, when the heavens respond in such a beautiful way for the heavenly. The cheerful heart always gives praise to the divine intervention that is sent to help them.

The 11th of April, is the 'Day of Star', how prophecy predicts that wonders will never cease. The book of Revelation spoke about the star and how it would be given to one person. The person that was put upon the throne as intended. The person that received the white stone and a new name plus a lot more.

The numeric of this post in April, is 33, and and I am in a six year of my life cycle. It indicates a person with a sensitive nature, and they have many fortunate friendships. They are unconventional just like the Aquarian Age itself, and its true emphasis is a humanitarian and magnanimous love of the people, and making sure that any relation that they encounter, is productive for the divine plan of the planet, its children and their future.


In the United Kingdom, the LORD has given his response to humanity, for that which he created for his divine will to be done. The Harp of Faithfulness, in trustful loyalty to lovingkindness.

This morning when I woke up, I saw the Rebbe and it is always good to see him for his cheerful face is always a sign of encouragement, to continue with the work, just as he encouraged, when he spoke to me in 2007. At that time he did give exact divine counsel on who would listen.

He sang that song on the 8th day in October, 1980 with the children.

He referred to it as the 'new song'.

The 'new song' is also mentioned in the book of Revelation.


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