
Friday 11 April 2014

Cowboy Vision Update

Amazing synchronicity, and it reminds me of the 'Cowboy Vision that also had the name of Sue. Here we have an author with the name of Sue that has passed over. There is some other info on that link as well.

This happened the day that I posted the 'Pig' painting again. There we see ESAU and they're on fire. Obadiah prophecy about the USA.

Behind them you can see the 'bloodguilt' that is mentioned in Hosea 12. The Republicans and the Democrats, are busted!

Cowboy Vision

As the heavenly Father  said,  a 'sad', 'catalytic event', 'they will cry', happening in FLORIDA at KINDERCARE, 14 people have been injured, and a 4 year old has died. Her name was Lily, the name of my mother.

The LORD also predicted that 'Felicity as crumbled', and he gave the 'Natash' message to do with the USA, that also links to the biblical prophecy in Hosea 12.

The heat is being turned up, and America won't know what has hit it. If only they had listened, when they had the opportunity to do so. They will try to offer a compromise. However, the LORD as already instructed me what to say to them.

The LORD said, 'Tell them, America is going to pay'.

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