
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Solar Eclipse Rescue - Wells Cathedral

28th April, 2014. Solar eclipse paintings.

28th April, Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

Saros 148 Solar Eclipse

As we know, quite a lot has been going on with the Church in recent days. In China, the Church that the Christians defended is is being 'demolished'. In Italy, a young man from giovanni, was 'crushed' and died due to the crucifix landing on top of him.

In Leeds, a teacher has passed over due to a student in a Catholic school.

Now a 68 year old woman has had to be rescued from the bell tower of Wells Cathedral. What color is the RAF helicopter? Yellow, the same as one of the solar eclipse paintings.

In America on the big screen is the story of how a child of four, had a near-death experience. How he rode on a rainbow-colored horse to heaven to the voices of angels. He said he saw Jesus, the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist while he was there.

In the meantime, there is still the massive tornado-storm sweeping across the south of the USA.

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