
Wednesday 30 April 2014

Solar Eclipse History + May Day Wedding

Following on from the 'black ring warwick castle' post.

We now have some British history, Warwick the kingmaker, and the bear was his emblem. How a king married a widow, Elizabeth Woodville on May day, and the family name of 'Woodville', is prominent in the story.  'Tap on Wood'.

A documentary about the civil war, the 'wars of the roses' and those that were involved in it. If you like English countryside, castles and intrigue, you will probably enjoy this documentary presented by the historians.  A story of women and their children, and how the Church gave sanctuary to Elizabeth.

SOLAR ECLIPSE (painting 4)

Three women that were involved in the civil war, and its politics, that they called the 'war of the cousins'. All about lands, properties and investments. As far as the landowners are concerned, not much has changed since that time. Marriages are still made for the same political reasons. The battles of the aristocracy, and what the presenter refers to as the 'conspirators'.  One of them passed over on a solar eclipse due to TB, and TB in the USA has been in the news again recently. Another, Elizabeth is buried at Windsor Castle with her husband. The third woman passed over after her son's 18th birthday.

Seriously, were the lives of men, women and children worth it?

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