
Monday 28 April 2014


Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse. Now let's take a look at the soferim and the numerics.

28 is the numeric of the 'lamb', and 29 is the numeric of 'grace under pressure'. Hence it is bound to impact on farming and farmers reality. While spreading the paint for the solar eclipse, I was given 'Relative', and as we know, everything is relative to where you are coming from.

This solar eclipse will definitely impact on the Christian families, their relatives and where they're coming from. The lamb also relates to tender and gentle hearted souls, people that are interested in what impact these eclipses have. For sure, they will feel this one coming, as more and more families, are under pressure to take action, in this week of manifestation.

In England, its also labour day on the 1st of May, so its a big one for those steadfast workers, especially for those people that work from home, or at home. We've got people working on the tubes going on strike in the UK, and the news is that Paul Simon and Edie Brickell have been charged with 'disorderly conduct' due to a 'family dispute' in America. Well at 72 years old, you would think that everything would've been resolved by now Paul Simon. Fancy living in a place called, 'New Canaan'. Big smiles!

The eclipse is a Saros 148, and the last time there was a Saros 148 was in April 1996. That was a good year for yours truly on a spiritual level. No coincidence then that 1+4+8 = 13. The Hebrew gematria value for the word 'Love', and 'The One'.


148 is the gematria value of 'Miracle', 'Angelic Being', 'Ballet', and 'Kinder' and Proverbs 14:8. 'The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways' and Deu 14:8. is about food, so you can be sure that the 'pig' will be in the news.

Can you see the head of an Afghan dog on the right of that painting?

Afghan Gold - Part 1 of 5

Hosea 14 is about the bringing of blessings. It mentions the 'Fruit of the Lips'. In mystical Judaism, the 'Fruit of the Lips', is about the maschiach, and I do like a gin and tonic. Although I do like to clean my teeth with coconut oil. Big smiles. However, the 'Fruit of the Lips', is about what came out of her mouth. What she spoke, to whom she spoke, when she spoke, how she spoke, the vibration of her healing voice. Her voice is known to be English. The descendent of the Dutch Jewish Chuts that arrived in London from Holland. The flame of Joseph, the genetic daughter of the Son of Joseph.

Clearly, Prophet Hosea knew, that I would be a single parent mother. Lived it, to know it, another part of the criteria for the one that he spoke of.

'In you the fatherless find compassion'. That then confirms what I had written about this eclipse previously, about the single parent mums and their children.

'I am the flourishing Juniper, your fruitfulness comes from me. Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning, let them understand. The ways of the LORD are right, the righteous walk in them'.

He's right, 'Tears Fly', as I consider the above, and give thought to the responsibilities that many of them carry during their lives.  There is much to do, to help them, and their children. The sunshine of magnanimous love is going to sort it all out. As the Lute of Lovingkindness said, 'Say Kom'.

When I was a young single parent mum, I used to say this prayer. 

'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference'. 

He granted all three, I was truly blessed. 

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