
Monday 28 April 2014


I could feel it coming, what is being referred to as the 'Ring of Fire' annular solar eclipse, 28th/29th April, 2014. This mandala for the 'Fire Queen', feels like an appropriate painting for this post.

The solar eclipse comes in for what is known as the 'Week of Manifestation. The advice given for the week is as follows: 'Beware of taking on too much responsibility. Consciously work on changing yourself periodically. Beware of procrastination in the name of prudence and good sense. Open up your horizons by exposing yourself to different disciplines and points of view'. Czech-Austrian industrialist and businessman, Oskar Schindler who saved over a 1,000 Jewish people, was born in this Taurus 1 week. Another notable was the Jazz musician, Duke Ellington. Both masters of manifestation in their own ways.

The 28th April, is the 'Day of Steadfastness', and the 29th April, is the 'Day of Image'. So there is going to be a lot to do with the home, cultures and how people and nations are viewed in this timeframe. Ready for a new image? You can be sure the Ad agencies, and PR companies are busy redressing many of the corporations in this timeline, to make them more appealing to the public. Is the USA getting a make-over? Or a make-up? Let's go all natural shall we? How are the cosmetic and personal care corporations doing USA? How's it going Australia, aren't you half owned by America?

What people have manifested, and the reason why they have manifested it. The past co-created the present, and the present co-creates the future. As I write this I am being given the word, 'renewal'.

People will find that a lot of things will be renewed, and renewals will be offered. However, a word of caution, is it the renewal that you had hoped for? How does that renewal of an old policy, impact upon you and your life? How does it fit into your ideal world of freedom for all? Are you making choices due to it being prudent and good sense in the present due to your materialism? How will your choices of manifestation, impact on the future of the lives of children, and the other inhabitants of this planet?

Are you steadfast to the existing 'status quo', and would just like to see its corporations and policies reformed and improved? Or are you up for a new house, new home and completely new location? These are all questions to be reviewed now. Is it appropriate for the existing manifestation to assist and help humanity, or it is time for a complete change?

This solar eclipse will impact on the material world, and materialists in a very powerful way. It will be their very own ring of fire, and it comes prior to the EU parliamentary elections. Again, any elections being held at this time, will be impacted upon, by the fire of its ring, that is around everything that matters in a materialistic way.

Like Oskar Schindler there are some people, that really do care what happens to people, and this solar eclipse is about defence of the individuals. So we could see some powerful uprisings, especially in countries where the trade unions, communists and socialists are in a strong position to defend the human rights and liberty of the people. The materialism of academia, and its students are also being impacted upon, whereby, the British government is asking whether they would agree to the compliance of sharia financed student loans.

Do the students really comprehend the far reaching implications of that? Do they comprehend that sharia finance, is more expensive than usury? Also that sharia finance is funding Islam. There is plenty of evidence provided by the experts.

At the same time, David Cameron is calling for Christians in the UK to become evangelical? Seriously, where is he coming from? Does he even know? How can he possibly know, when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, like Prince Charles.

The heavenly Father has been talking about the 'Barn' so what are you putting in your barn? What is going on with the wheat and its prices? Did you convert your barns? What did you convert them into? Did you convert them into places that could put a roof over the heads of the homeless? Are they ecologically, and self-sustainable? What would happen if there was a fire? Tornado, or earthquake?

How about the flooding and the change in insurance policies? Are you happy with that? Or did your felicity and the felicity of your nation crumble, when you saw what the materialists have done to your pension? How's your comfort zones doing? Are you still feeling steadfast? What are you steadfast to?

What are your true values, and what do you stand? Is it truth? What is the foundation of your truth?

Did the governments, corporations, and pension companies keep to their agreements?

Did they keep to their agreements with the Indians?

He also called, ELIA, and that name as a connection with a Copt that I met while I was in Egypt. As we know, there is certainly a lot going on in Egypt, at this point in time. It feels like another uprising in the Middle East is soon to be seen, and women will be a very powerful influence involved in it. This solar eclipse also impacts on Indonesia, and indonesia will always remind me of Obama.

As the Lute of Lovingkindness said, 'Say Kom' and I did see this energy this morning.

Its going to take a lot more than cosmetic changes, to improve the world that humanity have been forced to live in, by the materialists. Did you change the outer you and your life, or did you change and purify the inner you, that impacts on the environment? For truly, the ring of fire will impact on everyone in this ring of fire solar eclipse, that will impact on manifestation strongly, for the next six months.

Yea, it sure is a grand cross that humanity are faced with, all factions pulling in different directions, the question is what will be left, by the time that humanity have finished with its manifestation?

Remember this, they tax you from cradle to grave. Are you happy with that? For how long are you prepared to prop up the taxation system, with your money, whereby the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer?

The anniversaries are also big with this solar eclipse, so keep an eye on those as well. In the UN calendar it is the following: 'World Day Health and Safety at Work', and 'Day of Remembrance of Victims of Chemical Warfare'.

This ring of fire eclipse is roaring, I can feel it, its roaring with its boldness and righteousness on every home front, border, and frontier. The journalists and broadcasters, sure will keep the pressure on those politicians now, they're all in the ring of fire, let's see if they can get out of that one!

Did you honestly think that single mums would stay silent? You can think again, they're just getting started! They've spent their lives defending their children, now watch them take action in this millennium that was born in her wisdom.

How many of you could truly stand up alone, like many of them have done? How many of you could bring up children, go to work, and keep house? Where were the guys then? Where was their support? Where was the defence and defenders of the women and children? 


I shall take a look at the saros later today, and ask for a painting for it specifically.


  1. Sad day for British education and its children in Leeds.

    As the heavenly Father said, 'Tears fly'. 'Sad', 'Catalytic event'. 'They will cry'.

    There has now been an incident at a Catholic school in Leeds.

    Corpus Christi during the astrological grand cross of the planets.

    A 61 year old Spanish Teacher, Ann Maguire as passed over due to what a student did. Makes one wonder whether the 15 year old child was on any 'medication' for such an action to take place. This hasn't happened in the UK, since 1995, and the UK was still trying to get out of the recession. If would be interesting for someone to do some research on the impact of planetary configurations and events analysis.

  2. It would be interesting for someone to do some research on the impact of planetary configurations and events analysis. Especially, when and where children have been involved in the incident.

  3. Remember the Church story in China? They're 'demolishing' the Church.
