
Wednesday 23 April 2014


It is written that Pablo Picasso went through what they call a 'Blue Period' and one of his paintings from that period is named. 'Melancholy Woman'. Do the health professionals really understand it? Do they understand the sensitives? The poets, artists and musicians? Did they understand Carl Jung and how he felt during and after WW2, or the reasons why? Do they understand why he began painting? Did he comprehend it, truly comprehend it?

Why did Picasso specifically use blue for this painting? Did he understand the power of blue, and its healing vibration? He has placed the woman sitting on stone, inside a stone building with a green tinge.  What is he sharing with us? This painting is in Michigan, Detroit, USA. Oh dear, can you see that? Picasso gave the woman 'green hair'. Do you know what that signifies? How about what he has painted her face and eyes with?

Interesting that in the word 'Melancholy', we find the word 'holy'. Some describe it as a state of not accepting the way things are. Just like Americans are not content to accept what its government, police and justice system do right in front of them.

Indians in the America's can also feel like it, due to the American government not keeping its agreements and treaties with them. Hence why Toltec medicine is all about keeping your agreements. Did the British government keep its agreements with the people on pensions? No! Governments keep on shifting the goal posts. So how do the people feel when that happens?

How about the dancer that has just been 'murdered' by a police officer in Rio, and now riots are a result of it. How do you think his family feels now? Or how about the man that was 'murdered' by police in the UK, then the children rioted in the UK in 2011.

Clearly, those that come from the heart of intelligence, people with common sense, knew that the police, that they pay for, engineered it. Why? It fulfilled a biblical prophecy about little Israel, that's why it kicked off in North London. So how do you feel with that knowing? Can you accept it, or do you wish to change it? Are Americans still supporting the corporations, that create 'carnage' wherever they go? How about the Brits and other Europeans?

That is how Carl Jung was feeling, that is how poets, artists and musicians can feel, when they have known the beauty of the trueness of love, yet are faced with a different reality in earthly manifestation.
Carl Jung stood against the pharmaceutical industry, and what the so-called health professionals, do to the people. He had a good appreciation of the rite of passage, and what it involves.

Many have a vision of a beautiful world, their ideal of how the world can be in truth and live in integrity.  Like when Jesus said, 'The truth will set them free'. Hold that vision of beauty in your hearts. Always treasure the vision of beauty, the Christ vision of healing humanity with the power of magnanimous love, for divine love in manifestation, really is eternal.

Those that experience 'Melancholy', are usually introverts, intelligent, deep thinkers, and they can be perfectionists. Virgo's are particularly prone to it, due to their perfectionist natures. Other earth signs can also suffer from it, due to their attachment to physical realities. In my experience, the earth signs are the hardest to shift. 'You can't shift the box, until it is ready to be shifted'.

It can also become a reality in menopause, during or after the bereavement process, its best to work through it naturally. Can healers take on the 'Melancholy' of others? It is possible, when you remove what they hold inside of them. If you get a feeling of 'sickness' while removing what people hold inside of them, you can be sure, that you are removing that which can 'kill' them.

Sometimes it can relate to their relationships, other times it can relate to what was put inside of them and that can include pharmaceuticals. It depends on the situation, and the root causes of it. The more powerful the healer, the more easily it is for them, to transmute the energy and purify it.

Picasso clearly viewed it has related to the feminine energies. There are different types of perfection, in the same way as there are different types of love. Interesting that on the front of the painting, he has painted fish in the blue.

What can you see in his painting? Can you see a seal going up to the throat or is it a dolphin? Is he telling you that it is related to being silenced, and the silencing of the feminine? Blue the healing color of the holy mother, is it related to Christianity and its Catholics? How many mystics, healers, sages and prophets were silenced? How many were 'murdered' do you know?

Can you see the whale? That is a sign of Jonah. Can you see how the whale is pointing to the thigh? What is the hips and thigh to do with? Jacob and the ten days that is mentioned in the book of Revelation. Picasso has put the left leg closest to you, that means that he was portraying that can happen in physical existence. So that is the cause in the view of Picasso, what is happening in physical reality, and what is happening to humanity, especially the feminine.

Is he sharing with you that it is about communication, and direction? Legs are about movement and direction and he has put the woman in a sitting position with her arms folded. Like she's had enough, just like many peoples of many nations, have had enough. That relates to a proverb prophecy that includes Obama and his family, that never say enough!

The sign of Jonah arrived in Israel in 2010. So we can see that the painting holds a prophecy, that when the sign of Jonah arrived, following it, would come the 'Melancholy'. The word itself is apparently Greek, and there is certainly a lot of it in Greece. Did you read the article about what the prison officer did to the heart of a prisoner in a Greek prison? How prisoners in four prisons have now refused to eat in protest of what has happened. Even men in Greek prisons, have a bigger heart of conscience, than the prison officer.

So how can we help the people with what they're feeling?  Get moving, fresh air, lots of sunshine, eat well, rest well. Although sometimes when there is a war going on, sensitives can experience what I refer to as 'Gandhi Mode', when you do not feel like eating at all. As we know, Gandhi was spiritual, and peaceful, as many people are.

As the LORD said, 'Express'. Whatever you are feeling, it is imperative to express it, some people do that through writing, some do it by drawing, some make or share uplifting videos, films and music. Some write poetry or make documentaries.

Listen to uplifting loving music, if you have the courage and willingness for it, connect with a person that can shower you in healing love. Support each other, and help each other through.

See how in my painting, the heart and its golden fish comes right up the middle of it all. Why? Peak spiritual fitness, keep smiling, stay happy! That is where I began, writing a book about the self-development journey, and the happiness that it brought from within. How energy works and manifests. The pink salt is good for the heart and enlivening it.

When you understand energy, and how it works, its easy to shift your mood, when you know how, and if you have the willingness for it to do so. Once you have shifted, then you can move into the next phase of your life, and make a positive contribution, to the changes that humanity are forced to make, for the beautiful vision of the new world of freedom for all to manifest.

From years of experience, I know that when I've had enough of any situation, work project or mission, it means its time to move on, to the next phase of the divine plan.

I am an introvert-extrovert, so very fortunate in that respect, I like my quiet times of peace, I also like to socialize with beloved friends. I just received a call, and a big reunion is being planned, it will be great to see everyone. It relates to a project that I launched 25 years ago.

This song 'Higher Love', was written by Steve Winwood.
Blue Sky Rider Songs.

I used to wear a white dress just like that,
the new millennium dress that was gifted by mum.

Big smiles!

WOW when daughter Zion arrived,
that was fun, divine love in manifestation.

Magnanimous love indeed.

News is that there has been a passing, and a friends 60th as well. I asked my friend if she knew anyone with the name of 'Felicity', she said that she did. So she is going to check it out, to ensure that she is OK. If any of you know anyone with the name of 'Felicity', you might also like to do the same, due to the energies that are impacting on people with that name.

So let's get on with those reunions all around the world. The Sun Horizon, let it be a year of reunions, when the people unite in the sunshine of love, for the planet depends upon both the blue water and the sun. Our blue sky riders will sort out the rest, they know what some of the so-called Christians are doing. Nothing can stop the sun rising again.

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