
Tuesday 22 April 2014

Pray for America, Pray for the Nations

It was during Easter that the LORD spoke of the 'murder' and I wrote a post about what he could be referring to.

However, today, I also read how a man was 'murdered' by an American police officer in a Salt Lake courtroom in front of the jury. As I wrote to someone the other day, 'Is that a gun in your pocket?'.

I am not saying that the man in court was innocent. However, every single person deserves a fair trial, if they are taken to the court of man. Justice is far from the courts in the USA, and righteousness does not reach them. Isaiah 59:9.

In the post on this 'Easter Fiesta' painting, it mentions the Caribbean and Latin America. Please keep the children in your heart.

Riots in Rio due to the police 'killing a dancer'.  

The heart of the righteous ponders on how to answer, I shall pray for you Americas, I shall pray for all of the nations.

This painting came in this evening, and the pink looks like two parts of a heart, half with the West, and the other half with the East. The golden fish keeps them together, like a pendant on the heart. The fish points to the golden capstone in the North and I see the golden V for victory with the healing.

I can see the elephant in the East, the overcomer of obstacles, and spiritual wisdom of the teacher. The heart that brings transformation to all directions, as the golden fish arose in the heart from the South. I see what looks like a young foal in the West.

You could view the golden shape as the golden eye, the golden third eye. You could view it as relating to the Vesica Pisces, and my Venus is in Pisces. If your third eye is golden, then you see everything through the eyes of the one known as Jesus. In the golden peak there is happiness and smiling, and it looks like a woman.

I see three different worlds, how two different worlds overlap in the heart, for the world to come, that comes into being, due to the direction of the healing, and what is held in the heart of love.

There is good news from A & E in the UK.

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