
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Mark Shand Elephant Family

Here we go, see the elephant in the right of that painting? Duchess of Cornwall's brother Mark Shand has died due to a 'fall' in New York. He was married to Clio Goldsmith, (divorced in 2009) he was a conservationist, chairman of the Elephant Family that he founded, to defend the 'endangered' Asian elephant.

He apparently 'slipped on a pavement and hit his head on the concrete.' That reminds me of the 'Concrete Dream'.

Shand did a BBC documentary with the title, 'Queen of the Elephants'. His profile also says that he owns an elephant with the name of 'Tara'.

Who was the woman with her hand on his heart?

BBC reported that it happened, Tuesday, 22nd April, and that was the 'Day of Establishment'. 

It was also the last day of the Jewish passover.

The video says he passed over on the 23rd April, that was the 'Day of Security'. 

So what does the 'establishment' and 'security' have to do with the British monarchy? 

I am sure that you can work it out. 

I wonder if they get it yet!

As the heavenly Father said, 'Your designer clothes will not save you'.

Did they get the memo?

The LORD said, 'They killed Kind'.

Have the British monarchy ever read James 5, and how it speaks of the last days, and the innocent one.

In the rest of Europe, there is this to report.

'elites can only survive for so long as they are trusted – and the political class that governs Europe has made a spectacular mess. Next month’s elections may not amount to a revolution, but we will certainly see the greatest rebellion yet against a politically bankrupt system.'

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