
Thursday 24 April 2014

13 Rings Age of Aquarius

As the planet Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius, and this is the Age of Aquarius. Its interesting to note that this video shares that there is 13 rings about Uranus. 13 is the gematria value for the Hebrew words for 'Love' and 'The One'. Summer on Uranus lasts for 42 years. The tilt of Uranus is 99 degrees.

In the rest of Europe, there is this to report.

'elites can only survive for so long as they are trusted – and the political class that governs Europe has made a spectacular mess. Next month’s elections may not amount to a revolution, but we will certainly see the greatest rebellion yet against a politically bankrupt system.'

With the Grand Cross, and Uranus-Pluto configuration, there is bound to be some major changes and shake-ups. It indicates collective movement for a better world brought about by emotive social  evolution that was predicted over a decade ago.  Rapid advancement, innovation, intensified creativity. Hence we will see some major moves in academia, and by the students around the world, students that demand that freedom be a reality for all. You can be sure that there will be some major technological changes. Technology always was going to be the domain of the younger generation, and now the children come. Isaiah 8.

The more that people delve into the unconscious, the more they find out who they were in past lives, and how that impacts on the now in their lives. Past lives do impact on behavior until such time as people are willing to comprehend it. Memories shift from lifetime to lifetime, until they are healed and resolved. Only then can people experience the rebirth and be born again in a divine way. 

Jesus did warn people that the path is narrow and that few people find it. The path of love, is the path of no return to the old way of being. Due to the fact that, the more people heal themselves, the more people change in every reality. To enable people to become masters of those realities that impact on humanity. Past lives are essential to help people to make a major breakthrough, in comprehending themselves and why they do what they do. 

Past lives do impact on physical reality and also on health. It has been proven, time and time again. As such, for true freedom and liberation to become a reality, people have to have the courage to heal themselves, and that then impacts on their realities. Not only on their own realities, but the realities of their children, and their children. For the deeds of the parents impact on future generations. 

Jesus was correct when he said, 'Wisdom will be proven right by her actions', wisdom will be proven right by her words'. Do you have insights into your past lives on the planet, did you heal them so that you could be liberated from the memories that you brought with you to heal? 

Take responsibility for your lives and the health of the nations children.

To save your nations, you have to turn your hearts to the children,
 and the past lives of the parents impact on them. 

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