
Friday 4 April 2014


On the 24th February, 2014 I received a vision of a computer screen going black twice. I wrote about the humbling of America in the public domain. The post on this blog was called, 'Black Box, Ride On Time'.

Today, it has been shown to me that there is also a Native Indian prophecy that was received by 'Lame Deer'.

Lame Deer, a 20th century shaman among the Sioux, had this vision of America's future. "Listen," he said, "I saw this in my mind not long ago: in my vision the electric light will stop sometime. It is used too much for TV and going to the moon. The day is coming when nature will stop the electricity. 

Police without flashlights, beer getting hot in the refrigerators, planes dropping from the sky, even the President can't call up somebody on the phone. A young man will come, or men, who'll know how to shut off all electricity. It will be painful, like giving birth. Rapings in the dark, winos breaking into the liquor stores, a lot of destruction. 

People are being too smart, too clever; the machine stops and they are helpless, because they have forgoten how to make do without the machine. There is a Light Man coming, bringing a new light. It will happen before this century is over. The man who has this power will do good things too -- stop all atomic power, stop wars, just by shutting the white electro-power off. I hope to see this, but then I'm also afraid. What will be will be.

"I am trying to bring the ghost dance back," Lame Deer said, "but interpret it in a new way. I think it has been misunderstood, but after eighty years I believe that more and more people are sensing what we meant when we prayed for a new earth and that now, not only the Indians, but everybody has become an endangered species. So let the Indians help you bring on a new earth without pollution or war. Let's roll up the world. It needs it."

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