
Thursday 3 April 2014


Following on from the previous 'Arise, Hour Glass Review' post. 

This video was selected for my viewing today. 


Sar was often translated as 'prince'. However, it can also mean 'governor', hence the flame of Joseph. As prophecy predicts, 'Peace will be your governor and well-being your ruler'. The return to East Jerusalem was in 2008. The second mission to Israel, as written, in the records of Israel, as the prophecies predicted. The singer sings, the breath and the bride say come. How amazing then that the LORD planted my name in every nation and land as the prophecy predicts. Even the most honored city in Iran, it bears my name. So while the world quakes, what do you do? 

The singer has some integrating to do of the shiloh prophecies, and that the sceptre left Judah when shiloh came, the water of life.  Isaiah 8 then tells you what happened, and explains the importance of the testimony of warning.

The heavenly Father said, 'A bomb has hit their hearts'. 

Some have questioned how to pronounce the word, 'KUM', it is pronounced like the spice 'Cumin', it is a medicinal spice and aids digestion. In addition to other fine qualities for various health conditions.

Some predicted that I would be born in London and be given an Indian name.

They were correct.

The Son of Joseph shared with his daughter, that he named her after a little Indian boy.


Prophet Isaiah also predicted that I would be born on an Island.

He was correct!

In some languages, the name is translated as KOM.

In Hebrew there is also ELOKIM and ELIAKIM.

In scripture, Jesus knew what the Jewish orthodoxy had done. He knew that they knew about the importance of the spice. However, he made it clear to them, that they had forgotten about the other prophecy that had included him. That is why he mentioned the 'Faithfulness', he knew the prophecy about the Harp of Faithfulness, would also lead them to the prophecy about him, the Lute of Lovingkindness that was predicted second, but would come first. The one that was predicted first would come second, that was the prophecy that King David received. 

Hence, justice, mercy and faithfulness, is just as important as the healing foods with the spices. Hence, why you will see many different types of posts on this blog. Jesus knew that the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, and for sure, his mercy is beyond measure.


Isaiah 28 has an important message and warning for the Christians, I recommend that they read it, for their 'covenant with the death is annulled'.

'All this comes from the LORD Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, and wisdom is magnificent'.

As the Son of God said, 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions'. Wisdom will be proven right by HER words'.


  1. Ecc 12

    Still grinding.

    'The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails, given by one shepherd'.

    So it was, those collected sayings were published after being instructed to do so. Although I was not aware of the prophecy about them until years later.

  2. No coincidence then that a nail also went into my left hand in my 20's, and I was bitten by a corgi dog when I was a child. Those two scars have created the letters YW in my left hand.
