
Tuesday 1 April 2014


Following on from the 'Arise and Hour Glass' post. In the public domain they're now discussing news that the historians say that they have found the 'Holy Grail'. Very ornate it is too, very Roman, e.g Vatican in style.

An American that goes by the name of 'Folks', then responds. 'No my friend, true religion and faith is not about money. Even Jesus said that'. Is that truth? First the word 'religion' does not exist in biblical Hebrew, and the Greek word translated as 'Faith', in Greek meant 'Trustful Loyalty', as in 'Faithfulness' to that which is sacred and holy.

Who was holy? As far as the book of Hebrews is concerned, the healers are called his family due to them making themselves and others holy. As we know, healing is all about purification of self and others.

So did the Christian share with the people what is upright?

My response to the so-called Christians is this: 

Why did Jesus send out his healers two at a time, and ask them to find a person that was worthy of them to fund them. To give them money, put a roof over their heads, clothes on their back, and shoes on their feet. 

Were you worthy to fund two healers so that they could help to further his kingdom come? Did you work in service to help those that heal humanity as Jesus asked the worthy to do? 

They then reply, 'he gave everything for free, who has the right to charge money to preach his word'. 'Did he charge an admission fee when he taught the sermon on the mount'. 'If he had money, he wouldn't died on that cross'. 

'They must have led a very basic existence with no frills. The fact that it was critisized when he was annointed with expensive oils and money was spent on this explains it. No luxuries at all obviously self evident'. 

Does money save the sons of the rich? Wasn't there a passing of a very rich man's son on the 13th March? Did Jesus die on the cross? How does that fit with biblical prophecy about him that he would leave Israel, that he would go via the North, and that they would weep after he left? As Jesus said to yours truly, 'Humanity will know the truth, when they are ready to hear it'. 

I suggested that they read the 'Parable of the Virgins', as Jesus did not live on thin air, as we say in England. His spiritual community was funded, he was the CEO of an NGO. He was funded by those that could afford to do so. Just like he asked his disciples and Apostles to be, and even the poor woman gave her last two coins. I smiled, when I didn't have any money to get a bus, and a neighbor gave me her last two coins, it touched my heart deeply. 

If a community is run by a committee of people, that gave everything to live in it, there were always those that found a reason to be critical towards its Jewish healer. In this case it was Jesus. As prophecy predicted the Jews are judged the most, whatever nation they live in.

Some of the men in the community of Jesus also found reason to have 'green eyes' over Mary Magdalene and Apostle Thomas.

That is why Jesus responded like he did to defend Mary Magdalene, that was a healer, clairvoyant, clairaudient. Reflexologist and Aromatherapist. A very talented lady indeed. Could the men in his spiritual community, do everything that she could do for him and them?


Did she do the cooking as well and wash their clothes? Or did his mother do that? Men what can you do with them. How did people learn to do what Magdalene did? They watched her, she inspired them, to become healers, just like people watch movies. As such, she was a brilliant addition to his spiritual community, to help the people to heal, and to develop their mystical skills. Clearly, they made a great team together. Hence why some of the Apostles responded as they did. 

Another reason why he sent them out two at a time. He knew the power of two working together. Remember what he said, where there are two gathered in my name, there I shall be. 

He promised the healers, that he would always be there for them, whenever they were healing to help his kingdom come. That is why many healers are able to see the golden energy, when they're healing, those that can see, have truly walked the talk. Some have even seen him walk with us on healing training courses, and during healing treatments. 

As another person wrote: 'Wash the apostles clothes? She probably thought they were a bunch of morons, must have been quite a unique lady for Jesus to have chosen her from the rest'

What passion did Christian America embrace? What passion of Christ was portrayed by America? Was that the true passion of Jesus, the Jewish man? What they did to him in the movies? When will Christian America be ready for the world to know the truth, his kingdom come? 

As far as the sermon on the mount is concerned and the feeding of the 5,000, he gave freely. 

In return, they chose to give their lives in service to him, was that fair and just, in service to the Jewish healer that fed them? Did you know its all part of the spiritual law of the cosmos, and the law of giving? Did you lay down your own life to follow him? In the NT, the law of giving returns to you 30, 60 or 100 fold. 

What price do you put upon your life and the healing thereof, how much did you value it? How much did you value the miracles that were bestowed? Did you serve those, that served and helped you? Did your spiritual community of healers advance, and increase at an incredible pace? 

When the least of the  healers was brought to you for help, did you recognize their talent and skills? Were you worthy of that healer? Did one become a thousand, due to the help that you gave them? Did you help two healers or more? How many did you help to become successful? How about the mystics? Were you worthy of them? How many of them did you help? 

Were they spread abroad, and share their divine experiences? How many of you became teachers of healing and complimentary therapies like Mary Magdalene? How many helped those that were opening up spiritually, to trust their divine experiences, like the wondrous woman from heaven helped them in the Rev 12 timeline, that was completed in December 2008. 

How many, lived as Jesus lived, in the equivalent of an eco-community? 

How committed are you to the narrow way, on the pathway of salvation. For few find it, few are willing to put in the real effort that the Jewish prophets asked for. 

Is perfect love awesome? Oh yea, its truly awesomeness. As he said in 2011, 'We are moving into awesomeness'.

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