
Tuesday 1 April 2014

ARISE, Hour Glass Review

This video of a crop circle from 2013, was referred to as the 'Hour glass', might be of interest to you. Especially as it has a message of 'ARISE', the meaning of my name in the scriptures. Also the connection with Julian Assange that it is in England, due to the logo of wikileaks being an 'hour glass'.

I see the holy grail in the crop circle, and England is the land of the legend of King Arthur, and the Holy Grail. No coincidence than that an English actor was also Arthur in the American film. Looking at this crop circle, the water is being poured south, and the south of England was certainly flooded in 2014. So is that a sign of the last hour when the sun sets in the biblical prophecies.

31st May, 2011, Hour Glass - Peacemakers

Temperance holds the hour glass. lots of info in that post, including the parable of the workers. As I wrote yesterday, wisdom is paid for. You either pay financially, or with your life, some pay with both, for that is the spiritual law of the cosmos. Some were willing to lay down their own lives in service to the will of God, in so doing, wisdom was their reward for doing so.

1st July, 2011. Hour Glass Update

Wisdom with insight did come, as written in Rev 13 to do the count. The book of Revelation also shared about the last days of the end times, and how 'This calls for wisdom'. Wisdom will be proven right by HER words, wisdom will be proven right by HER actions. Hence, the book of Revelation was clear that the wondrous woman from heaven would come to help. The Rev 12 timeline was completed in December 2008. It overlapped with Micah 4 that speaks of the USA.

Prophecy predicts that peace will be their governor and well-being their ruler. Prophet Isaiah also spoke of the hope of the Islands in Isaiah 42, and it mentions 'Faithfulness' and 'Justice'.


'He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice, he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope'. Isaiah 42:2-4

The Harp of Faithfulness is here.

No surprise then that this posted at exactly 02.06. 26, the Hebrew gematria value of the name of God. 

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