
Wednesday 26 March 2014


After watching most of the Daniel film last night, and the LORD speaking of 'Jahre'. I got into bed to rest. As I did so, a book came open on a particular page, it is the part of the third vision, from the book of Hermas, and this is what it said.

'For these revelations have an end, seeing they are fulfilled. But, thou dost not leave off to desire revelations, for thou art very urgent. As for the tower which thou seest built, it is myself, namely the Church, which have appeared to thee both now and heretofore. Wherefore ask what thou wilt concerning the tower, and I will reveal it unto thee, that thou mayst rejoice with the saints. 

I said to her, Lady, because thou hast thought me once worthy to receive from thee the revelation of all these things, declare them unto me. She answered me, whatsoever is fit to be revealed unto thee shall be revealed; only let they heart be with the Lord, and doubt not, whatsoever thou shall see. 

I asked her why Lady, why is the tower built upon the water? She replied I said before to thee that thou wert very wise to inquire diligently concerning the building, therefore thou shalt find the truth. Hear therefore why the tower is built upon the water: because your life is and shall be saved by water. For it is founded by the word of the almighty and honorable name, and is supported by the invisible power and virtue of God. 

And answering, said unto her, these things are very admirable; but Lady, who are those six men that build? They are, said she, the six angels of God, which were first appointed, and to whom the Lord has delivered all his creatures, to frame and build them up, and to rule over them. For by these the building to the tower shall be finished.

And who are the rest that bring them stones? They are also the holy angels of the Lord: but the other are more excellent than these. Wherefore, when the whole building of the tower is finished, they shall all feast together beside the tower, and shall glorify God, because the structure of the tower is finished. 

I asked her saying, I would know the condition of the stones, and the meaning of them, what is it? She answering, said unto me, art thou better than all others, that this should be revealed unto thee? For others are both before thee, and better than thou art, to whom these visions should be made manifest. 

Nevertheless, that the name of God maybe glorified, it has been, and shall be revealed unto thee, for the sake of those that are doubtful, and think in their hearts whether these things are so or not. Tell them that all these things are true, and that there is nothing in them that is not true; but all are firm and truly established' 

Now the word 'established', is to do with the meaning of the name of ELIAKIM and in the location where I live there is a water tower. A very old brick building. For years, different property developers have tried to refurbish it, and find use for it, and many different plans have been submitted during the last 32 years that I have lived here. There are also many restaurants, and cafes close by to it. As such, I find this to be an interesting prophecy found inside the book of 'The Lost Gospels of the Bible'.

The water tower and the Lady that delivered the prophecy for the people to comprehend it. The Age of Aquarius is also to do with water, for it is the sign of the water carrier, and this vessel is an Aquarian sun sign. I have added that music video because it reminds me of Omega and it is called, 'Water Tower'.

So remember this and the prophecy that was delivered to those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to understand. The Lady imparted the wisdom that they will be saved by water.

Today is the 26th and 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of the name of God, the 26th March, is also the 'Day of Integrity'. When I was first called, it was spoken divinely, 'You have been chosen for your integrity'. It was around that time, that the first mission began with the healers with the name of Peter, that is also the timeline that I was compelled by love to teach in the public domain. In addition, to speaking to many audiences on the circuit of the gentiles. Prophet Isaiah knew that I would be found on an Island after my son was born. Nostradamus also spoke of the age of Iris, and how the Iris would not be seen for the first 40 years, and after that it could be seen everyday.

The Iris flower was used to 'heal depression' by the mystic Nostradamus. He also knew that the true mystics work with vibrational medicine, for all true mystics are healers as well. All true healers are also mystics, for they go hand in hand together for the healing of consciousness, when people have the keys to the kingdom for healing consciousness. Divinely given.

Many are called, but few are chosen. That is why it was important, that I explored the hearts of others, to know who was ready to be supported with wisdom, so that more could be chosen than ever before. Not only chosen to fulfill the will of God, but to do it in the upright and Christos way. 'Healing is the path of salvation and love is the way'. from Sacred Words

To ensure that the completion of truth really does set them free, for there is great truth in the words of the Son of God, divine words, sacred words. Words that few have truly understood in all of its wisdom delivered by the Jewish prophets.

As Jesus said, 'Wisdom will be proven right by her words, wisdom will be proven right by her actions'.

Interesting then, that last year, I had a dream about some Israeli musicians coming to where I live, and the life partner of the singer was also a builder in the dream. The music venue that they were in, is very close to the water tower that I have written about above. That music venue of the arts, is also in an old Church, and the water tower, towers above it. In the arts centre of the Church, they have beer festivals and food markets as well.

I have considered holding some events there to inspire the youth of today, and to help them to comprehend the global dates and celebrations.  For instance, 'International Peace Day', 'Global Love Day', 'Global Sound Day', 'Global Earth Day', are all beautiful days to celebrate the truth to the next generation for the glory of God.


  1. :)

    Such a beautifly connected spirit you are.

    The little town with the water tower sounds quaint.

    Your voice, projections, and grace, well everyday i feel more thankful to be alive, for just stopping, and listening.

    I have found that sometimes to greatest gift to yourself, can come with true intentions to hear and understanding.

    I also saw a new commercial for 'Airwick' air fresheners this morning. The fragrance is called Silver Lotus. LOL! :)

    Love ♥, water lilies, and a hug.

  2. Yes some of it is quaint, I am sure that you would like it if you came to visit, everyone usually likes it here in this wonderful historic place. That is why I stayed, even after living abroad and brought back, I came back to the place that has been home. The birthplace of my son, and a place where I have been blessed to enjoy much happiness, inside and out.

    I hope that you will come and visit us, if it is the LORD's will for you to do so.

    Thank you for sharing about the Silver Lotus air fresheners, big smiles.

    That was a great thread where we first connected, the Lotus thread. ♥

    That got them going, LOL!

    Lots of love to you and hugs newdawnrising.

    Soon there will be the breath of new life. Clean air, and truly happy hearts.

    Your joy is infectious, so spread it around.

    Did you see the 'Tsunami of Love' thread today?

    My heart rejoiced.

    Yes, sharing true intentions gives wonderful clarity, and enables understanding.

    My heart is joy filled, when I meet people that have an understanding of where our hearts are coming from.

    Thank you for returning to the holy streams, and the sodastream of love as Jesus calls it. He certainly gives us a fizz, so that people can sparkle.

  3. Yes Dreemers thread. A good soul there. Reminds me very much of Fossileyezed. :)

  4. Yes, he has a sweetheart. Today, when I woke from rest, I was given the word 'Marchioness'.
