
Wednesday 26 March 2014


During the investigation of the Malaysian flight that disappeared. The heavenly Father said, 'STILL POINT'. After that I found that there is a Korean 'Still Point' Buddhist temple in Michigan, USA. Today, there was news of an oil spill Michigan, and a different person also posted that they had received two dreams.

I could relate to the dreams of the person that goes by the avatar name 'Branch',  due to his dream telling the people that they have to go to hospital due to the 'bites' that they had received on their feet. You see that's what happens when the 'blameless' walk at the grass roots, you come across all sorts.

I have been trying for a long time to obtain, the treatment that I require, to no avail from the NHS. So, I have arrived at the 'Still Point', whereby I see now that I have no option, but to go to private healthcare, to resolve outstanding physical health issues. What I require is to see a foot specialist for my left foot injury. An eye specialist to be on the safe side, due to a couple of little burst blood vessels. An MRI scan for my lower back, and I have literally been asking for years, for the appropriate attention for my back and foot.

I also require many deep tissue aromatherapy massage treatments, in addition to reflexology, plus anything else BUPA feels is appropriate. Of course, lots of tender loving care. Hence, I shall now ask the BUPA hospital for a budget, and once I have that, I will then begin to try to raise the money to pay for it.

So the still point is where I am at this point in time. I cannot move forward, to help the community, until these physical health issues are resolved. The other aspect of the second dream that the 'branch' had, is that he said,  he saw some black where his wife was sleeping. I shared with him that the black that he saw, was probably Saint Hilarion. Due to the fact that, a monk wearing a black robe was standing next to me last week on my left side, the same side as the foot injury. His robe that was so close to me, had the same texture as the robe that Jesus is wearing in the Coptic icon of him.

Saint Hilarion was a miracle worker, so I am not surprised that he has connected with me, for this is the still point for this miracle worker.

Hail Gladdening Light

1 comment:

  1. A new man at the reins of the NHS, UK.

    However, I anticipate that complaints to the NHS will soar, so will class action law suits, although I recommend the people by-pass the NHS, and go direct to the British Medical Council, because they license the GP's, and consultants. Its time that their mail bags were brimming over with mail.
