
Monday 31 March 2014

Water of Life -v-- Peace Ambassador Italy

Last night I read an email, that had been written by an Italian peace ambassador. it was being distributed around the world in different languages.

From what had been written, I could see where that person was coming from, and what healing work they still had to do, due to what they had written. I wonder sometimes I really do, especially when there are those that are willing to distribute such words internationally, in the name of peace.

Freedom of speech means you can write and say it. However, is your freedom of speech of a high quality, a high standard, does it have value to the children of the world? Is it worthy to be distributed internationally? The bar has been raised.

The prophecy is clear that the Angels would select the good fish in this timeline, and throw the rest away. How do they know what is the good fish from heaven, and which heaven?

The narrow way is to look at the words written and what it is communicating. We often ask what would love say now? Well in these circumstances, when it is a 'peace ambassador' writing it. I also ask is it healthy for you, is it healthy for children?

In addition, the only solution for the clean up by the Italian was hugs. How will hugs clean up the oceans and the skies? Its alright to have a rant, let off steam, and get it off your chest.  Its important to express what you feel, and is natural for people to do so. However, please ensure that you do it in a dignified way.

When you read emails based upon what the Vatican has embedded into the consciousness of humanity, you can feel like, beam me up, get me out of here LORD. You would think that after 2,000+ years, they would have at least integrated the basics, and the milk of the divine teachings to do with communication. Even Plato, Buddha, and many others, understood the wisdom of truth in respect of words.

Perhaps they require the water instead of the milk that Paul spoke of, to help them to comprehend, the sheer power of the water of life. For ultimately, your bodies are made of 70-80% water, and the water holds memories, proven scientifically. Of course, the nature of your communication impacts on that, in addition to your flesh, marrow and bones. Sometimes it feels like it will take years for many spiritual people to catch up. Why is that? Not all spiritual people, are mystical healers that comprehend the truth, in respect of the science of being.

Jesus predicted that this generation would be judged when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel, that the 'Queen of the South' would come with the people, to judge this generation. He also predicted that they would be judged by their words. In addition to the fact that he said, 'Wisdom will be proven right by her actions, wisdom will be proven right by her words. This calls for wisdom'.

The whale arrived in Israel in 2010, that was a big sign for the men, that the biblical prophecy was being fulfilled.

There are times when you feel like gathering them all up, put them in one place, and then shower them in the fresh clean water of the divine to clean them up. The truth has the simplicity of abc, yet many are still to embrace. The Still Point indeed. As Jesus said,  'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'. Are they ready for the water of life, and the bundle of infectious joy that it brings? Are they ready for new birth of the new millennium?

While I was writing this, there were two birds on the roof in front of me, they looked like doves. They touched each other a few times, then they went in opposite directions. One of them walked, and the other one flew. As we know the numeric of two, is to do with the lovers. Hence, there will be a parting of the ways in relationships, once people fully comprehend the power of communication on their health. Does this mean that there will be a parting of the ways in Italy? More than possible.

In spiritual symbology there is a dove on Joseph's staff. A holy Spirit indeed.

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