
Monday 31 March 2014

Cinderella Law - 10 Years

A new Cinderella Law, for parents 'who starve children of love face jail'. They're bringing in changes to 'child neglect laws', to enforce, 'emotional cruelty' as a 'crime'. 

'The Government will introduce the change in the Queen’s Speech in early June to enforce the protection of children’s emotional, social and behavioural well-being.

Parents found guilty under the law change could face up to 10 years in prison, the maximum term in child neglect cases.

The change will update existing laws in England and Wales which only allow an adult responsible for a child to be prosecuted if they have deliberately assaulted, abandoned or exposed a child to suffering or injury to their health.'

I am all for defending the well-being and happiness of children. However, there is a lot more to what happens in a child's life, than the outcome of their experiences. It has been proven by Dr Ursula Anderson, (USA) and I myself when working with families. 

That the level of a child's suffering, relates to the level of the parents suffering, and as the LORD said, 'The politicians are the bane of your life'. 

How innocent is a parent in circumstances whereby they experienced the same kind of upbringing, that the cinderella law is supposed to defend? 

How is the current justice system of men, going to a judge a person, if the person that he is being judge and jury of, does not know what love is? 

People have to experience love, truly know love from their own life experience, to be able to give it to a child. Then there is many different types of love, on which shall they judge? Once again, they are dealing with the outcome of the core issue, instead of healing the root cause. 

So what are they going to do next, after they've implemented the cinderella law? Will people have to go through an analysis to see whether they're fit to be parents, and if they're not. Will they then stop them from having children? Like they did with the lady from Italy recently. 

Seriously, David Cameron and his lawmakers, are like Victorian England, and its workhouses, in the way that they treat the poor. So Cameron's response to the poor, is a 10 year prison sentence. How is that going to break the cycles, David Cameron? Will they be all loving when they come out of prison David? Are you ready for divine love yet David? Ten years = ten days, and its mentioned in the book of Revelation.

However, what did the LORD say about what the righteous would do?

'He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice, he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope'. Isaiah 42:2-4

The Harp of Faithfulness is here.

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