
Tuesday 4 March 2014


This morning when I woke up I saw a vision of a cowboy on my left riding towards me. After that I was given the name of a healer in the UK, and her name matches the name of the woman in a film that Kevin Costner made. I then wondered how she was and what was happening in her life. As I haven't seen or heard from her for many years.

This film 'Open Range', made me wonder why Kevin Costner made such a film? There is also a character in the film with the name of 'Mose'.


It is written that the screenwriter, Craig Storper wished to make a movie about the 'evolution of violence in the West'. He added that 'these characters don't seek violence. But the notion that it is sometimes a necessity, is the Western's most fundamental idea'. That means that Kevin must agree with that philosophy. However, when men do what they do, as portrayed in this film, what options do cowboys have, if and when they are made that way?

Can there be films about the 'evolution of love in the West, love being the fundamental idea that Jesus taught?

As I am writing this I am feeling a 'sickness', there is a 'sickness' in humanity, and its all around the heart.

It is written that it was filmed in a remote area, on an Indian reservation in Canada. Kevin always has more than one reason for doing something.



  1. Prophet Habakkuk gave a prophecy that relates to America due to its criteria and linking it to the 'Leopard' that is also mentioned in the book of Daniel, and Rev 13. It mentions the 'Eagle', that is symbolic of America and also the 'Horse' and 'Wolf'. The combination of these animal symbols together are very specific, especially when you view it in terms of the 'violence' that is mentioned. Hab 1:7-9 Hence to see a cowboy on a horse, can be a warning sign, as the prophecy predicts.

  2. My previous spiritual experiences have shown me, that usually, when I have seen either 'men on horses', or 'men on camels' it was a 'sign of war'. That was certainly the case when I saw them while I was in Israel in 2006, weeks afterwards there was a war between Lebanon and Israel. In addition, in the past I have shared with spiritual people that if they do not hear from me, then that is the time to be very concerned. Currently, due to my computer, I have been unable to email anyone in my computer databases. An American wrote about the recordings today, and I responded, that the LORD has ensured that the recordings, are in a safe place. In hindsight, I am simply amazed at its foresight, and how he made sure everything was covered years in advance. The LORD was absolutely correct when he said, 'By the time they find out, what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.
