
Monday 3 March 2014


Today, the LORD is speaking about 'Eccentricity' and as we know 'eccentricity', is a quality of being different to what people usually consider the norm to be. The word can be found in mathematics and also in astronomy. One could view the age of Aquarius as 'Eccentric', due to many Aquarians being that way. Aquarians can be graceful, elegant, at the same time as being eccentric.

Hence, the Aquarian Age is full of that which is unusual. Unusual happenings, spiritual happenings,  and that explains why so many scientists are perplexed at what is happening on the planet. It requires immense flexibility, to comprehend the responses of the people and the planet in this timeframe.

An 'interesting person is known for their eccentricities'. Hence, why would this Aquarian water bearer be any different, than what she was born to be for an Aquarian Age? The Age itself is fascinating, and the last days of the end times, are certainly different, when people have their eyes wide open, to see the world with new eyes. Like a spiritual magnifying glass.

So what else do we have on 'eccentricity'? We find the terminology in physiology and its to do with 'muscle contraction' and it is written that 'Eccentric contractions normally occur as a braking force in opposition to a concentric contraction to protect joints from damage. During virtually any routine movement, eccentric contractions assist in keeping motions smooth, but can also slow rapid movements such as a punch or throw. Eccentric contractions are being researched, for their ability to speed rehabilitation of weak or injured tendons'. [1] 

Fascinating, as the reflexologist did say that I have an injured tendon in my left foot. So I asked the doctor for a referral to see the foot specialist. I have had this left foot injury for some years, do you think you can get them to do anything about it? The GP does not even examine you anymore, and nor does the nurse. So people go around and around in circles, trying to get the appropriate attention for their  health issues. Seriously, what I have put myself through, to find out what is really going on, to help the people to resolve what the medical profession are not sorting out.

Do they seriously think I am eccentric, for asking for justice for the people and myself? Maybe true merciful action is eccentric after all. Just maybe, being eccentric, is what is required to give a new birth to humanity, so that magnanimous love can be for everyone.

Do you think, they considered Jesus and Buddha to be eccentric? Bearing in mind their magnanimous love and what they went through to help humanity? Does it always have to be this way, that the sages have to come forth to enlighten everyone? Why don't the people put in the effort, that the sages have put in to their own spiritual life and journey?

Does it make you wonder?

An eccentric position on a surveying tripod, is able to measure hidden points. Oh, such a blessing.

Hidden points reminds me of the 'Trigger Point Therapy Workbook'. Do we have anyone that can do trigger point therapy in the NHS? The nearest to trigger point therapy that I have experienced is reflexology. Can you get that on the NHS?

This is what should happen to the GP's.

1. All GP's must be able, and willing to examine their patients when an examination is asked for.

2. The same should happen, if a GP refers a patient to a nurse, for a physical check-up. How can you have a physical check-up, when the nurse does not examine your physical body in a thorough way?

3. When a patient explains to the GP that a health specialist like a reflexologist has given their recommendations for further investigation of a health condition. The GP, must at all times, follow through on what the expert advice as been to the client.

4. When a patient goes to the GP to tell them about an eye condition. There must be an immediate an immediate referral to an optician and I found Spec savers to be brilliant. It was in October 2013,  that I first reported the eye condition to the GP. At that time, he said he would refer me immediately to the eye specialist. A month later, no letter for the appointment had arrived. I went to see the GP again, he said that it takes a long time, and it can take up to six weeks.

31st January, 2014, I returned to the GP again, then to be told to go and see an optician myself. In February, 2014, I saw the optician. After examination, the optician said he would write to my GP, informing my GP, that I should be referred to the eye specialist for further investigation. Now, here we are nearly five months later, waiting for the GP to do what he should have done five months ago, based upon NHS guidelines.

5. So what would l do about the GP surgery? I would fine them for not taking the appropriate action when asked to do so by the patient. I would provide five months compensation to the patient. In the case, of the foot, I would do the same. Only this time, it would involve two different GP's from two different surgeries.

Maybe if the GP's and their surgeries have to start paying the cost, instead of their patients paying, in more ways than one. We will get some improvements in the health service. Its time that the NHS doctors start paying out of their own pay packets, to the patients that they have in their care. Are they still up for the job in social healthcare?

The populous have been far too soft with the NHS, for far to long.

Enough is enough!

"Righteousness delivers from death''

6. Then there is the back issue, and I have been asking for an MRI scan, for at least three years. In 2012, NHS guideline for GP's, instructed that all patients with a long-standing back issue, must be  referred for an MRI scan. So why aren't GP's doing their jobs properly? Health professionals like myself, know that the sooner a health issue is dealt with, the better. Otherwise, the conditions begin to impact on and weaken other parts of the body, and the health issues spread. To solve health issues, they have to be solved as soon as possible. Bodyworkers are fully aware, that the feet impact on the back, and the back impacts on the feet, that provides correct and healthy posture.


1 comment:

  1. The cost of technology, the cost of a child's life. May Samuel Starr rest in peace, God bless his soul.
