
Friday 28 March 2014

Take It To Your Hearts

The amazing voice of this angel, singing this song, was recorded in the 80's. It's called 'Take me to your heart'. Interesting that the biblical prophecies of Isaiah speak of 'taking it to their hearts', and if they did not take take it to their hearts, then war would come next, then the fire, then the water. Israel have experienced two out of the three, following the first two missions there. 

After I was sent to America, Obama was also involved in giving orders for war with Libya, and other nations were also involved. We all know what happened after that. Libya was on fire. I shared with them about Syria prior to it kicking off, the watchtower for the flock, gave them the timelines and prior warning, of what was about to happen in these last days of the end times. The biblical prophecies did predict that the LORD would warn them in advance. Japan was warned in advance, to leave Japan, did they listen? 

Prophecy predicted that he would tell them things prior to them happening, yet, do they take it to their hearts? Or do they wait for the floods to come with nuclear facilities involved? Every day, it is costing them more and more, in every way. Yet, do they turn their hearts to the children? Do they do the will of the heavenly Father and accept the helper? He is asking for the advocacy, of the social visionary, and for his will to be done. 

In 2007, we made a promise to the LORD on behalf of humanity, that we would transform the 'way of sorrow', to the 'way of love'. The question is are the people ready for it to be transformed? Today, I shared a story of how I met an American in Israel, and how he had no money or food. His heart had turned against America, due to the way that Americans, live and behave. So it was, he wished to leave the country where he was born. 

I will always remember the words of Houston, after she passed over, and how she felt about America, Americans and what they do. She said, 'They rape you, and rape you, until there is nothing left of you'. She was giving a warning about America and Americans. I am sure that many Native Americans, have felt the way that she felt during her life as a singer. It surely was imparted by the blessed Russell Means, when he explained that the USA, has been at war every year since it began. And so it is, the USA, is a big issue for the nations of the world. 

Some Americans, who have found the hearts of their souls, truly understand, and comprehend, why the world feels like it does about America. For its own people, are testimony to its nation, and the way it behaves. I have heard communication of Americans, that could never pass my lips, or be spoken. 

Little do they know, their communication, impacts on their own flesh and blood, and what they birth. As Jesus said, 'Some have sour taste buds, and not a sweet tooth', sacred words, profound words indeed.

The book of Exodus is correct, the deeds impact on the next 3-4 generations. So take it to your hearts, for magnanimous love really does exist, and it is supreme. When I woke up today, I was reminded of that beautiful spiritual letter, and the divine words, that I was sent on the 2nd March, 2014. 

Today, the heavenly Father spoke of 'Rosa'. 

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