
Friday 28 March 2014

ROSA Message

The boiler is under pressure, so it cannot be used, the kettle is tripping the fuse box. So a new kettle is required, and we have to call out the maintenance man for the boiler. When I woke up this morning the spiritual letter received on the 2nd of March was being brought to my attention again, and afterwards, the heavenly Father said, ROSA.

There is an interesting NGO in the UK, with the name of Rosa, and it is a fund for women and children. It is certainly an NGO, that would be interested in my research results, and 'New Empowerment Model', they provide funding for project work. The charity is based in North London, oh little Israel.

In America, it is 'March Madness', and the Daily Mail have featured an article on the academic situation in the USA. Interesting, that the essay, that had been written, was about a civil rights activist, Rosa Parks. The article is about the American academic system and its football stars. 

And they wonder why, most Brits would never wish to live in the USA. 

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