
Sunday 2 March 2014


Yesterday I posted this video and I referred to it as 'Roses for Israel', with all my love, as you know it to be. The 'Della Rosa Message' was also posted on this blog.

When I woke up this morning, I saw what looked like a white paper envelope. On the envelope it was written in a beautiful way, the ink looked like it was in royal blue.

'I exist because of you, you exist because of me, we will be together for eternity. Always together, forever together, for all eternity'.

In 2011, I wrote about the fingers of Joseph, and how it was written that each of the fingers were enveloped. When Joseph was given the ring, he was given a new name and it meant 'Preserver of the world'.

In this video series from Jeff Benner he explains about the different translations.


  1. Proverbs 12:28
    In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.

    Romans 2:7
    To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

    Remember the letter the other morning about us being together for eternity. Did you get yours?


  2. In March 2009, the LORD said "The wait is over"

    And this was posted at that time.

    Jeff Benner a new translation.

    And~he~will~SAY Elohiym [Power~s] TO Mosheh [Plucked.out] I~will~EXIST WHICH I~will~EXIST and~he~will~SAY IN-THIS-WAY you(ms)~will~SAY to~SON~s Yisra'el [he~will~turns.aside El] Ehyeh [i~will~exist] he~did~SEND~me TO~you(mp)"

    The Revised Mechanical Translation
    And Elohiym [Powers] said to Mosheh [Plucked out], I will exist which I will exist, and he said, in this way you will say to {the} sons {of} Yisra'el [He turns El aside], Ehyeh [I exist] had sent me to you.
