
Saturday 1 March 2014


While spreading the paint for this mandala, for a man that goes by the name of 'Homer', I was given 'Della Rosa'. I was also given 'Duck', 'Intestines and gall bladder'. I also posted a video of East Jerusalem where I had visited in 2007. After I shared the message, I checked the news, and Iran as made a statement about its plans to invade Jerusalem, Israel. [1]

In Jerusalem, Israel, what is referred to as the 'Della Rosa' in this message, is known as 'Via Dolorosa' it is written that it means 'Way of the Cross'. However, when I was there in 2007, it was shared with me that it is known as the 'Way of Sorrow' due to it being claimed that is the route that Jesus was taken to his death. As we know the prophecies predict, 'Righteousness delivers from death'.

When I was in Israel, myself and an Israeli musician, purified the gateway with salt, after my return, it was shown to me, that the divine instructions that I had received, can be found in the ceremonial rites of Ancient Judaism.

While I was there myself and the Israeli prayed to the LORD, and we promised on behalf of humanity, that we would do our utmost to transform the 'Way of Sorrow', to the 'Way of Love'. If you read the words from Iran about their intentions to invade Jerusalem. It begs the question, what would love say now, Iran, where are you coming from?

For the heavenly Father is saying to me for you, 'Be careful, be very careful indeed'. For if you step foot, where these Lotus Feet have trod in Israel, you will have more than a few surprises in store for you. I do not repeat these words lightly, due to the sheer immensity of the position and responsibility that I hold.

In magnanimous love, Iran, I ask you kindly, to leave Israel alone, and allow for the will of the LORD to manifest in the way that the LORD chooses for it to do so. Any steps, that Iran or members of Islam take against Israel, will come back upon you a 1,000 fold, due to the power of the land upon which Jerusalem sits, in the timeframe of the flame of Joseph. For Jacob is the fire.

Iran, you have a city that was named after the one that scriptures told you would come. Is that not enough for you? Do you wish for every single city where my name is written to be in your hands? When is enough, enough?

From my heart, I cannot give you a stronger warning, than I am sharing with you. For the children of the world, you must see common sense, and live it truthfully, in trustful loyalty to loving kindness.

In this painting there are four quarters like there is in Jerusalem in Israel. While I was painting, I could see the golden wheatsheaf, and I can I see the faces of innocent children, the faces of the babies in the womb opposite it.

I can see the shapes in the centre, that are symbolic of the shapes and stained glass windows that one can view in the buildings there. I also the love that surrounds it all. I see the fire, the flames, the fire of love, I also see the turquoise of transformation that it is all around and going through it.

The people are transforming themselves, slowly, but surely. One step at a time, and who can interrupt such things? Who would dare to invade from within or outside, such a place, that has been ordained by the LORD, and blessed by his servants awesomely. Will you?

September 2007, was the time of the divine child, the deliverance of the everlasting covenant for the children of the world. Exactly as Prophet Isaiah had predicted. On 999, spiritual people, the elect, united for the children, and it pleased the LORD that we did so. For as he said, 'Ben Ami'. 'Reuben' and he was so happy.


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